It's quick and easy to backup the online database online. It's a good
habit to get into before making any sweeping changes, or just once a
week. Since it's a matter of a few clicks, there's no downside to doing
it daily, or whenever you contemplate changes.
On the other hand, backing up the entire site to your local hard-drive
and then backing it up is a pretty painful operation (at least it is for
us: after compression our site creates a 230+ MB file). Nonetheless I do
that at least once a month. We have had our ShopSite file get corrupted
online, and my local backup was so out of date it was quicker to
reassign the pooched articles than to bring the old database up to date
(but still not very quick).
I've had floppys, SyQuests, Zips, Jaz cartridges, CDs and hard-drives
all fail on me. Some studies show that the realistic life expectancy for
a CD-R to remain error-free could be as short as 6 months - not exactly
the archival product it's advertised as. I recommend backing up to
multiple media if you can. An external FireWire drive has the potential
to outlast a CD-R and these days they're cheap. We backup to a 20GB
pocket-sized FireWire drive and take it offsite. We also backup to CD-Rs
and try to mirror data onsite. We've still lost data.
In article <a8hp75$pp2$>,
"Brandon" <> wrote:
Yes... we LIVE by PowerEdit.
In over two years we haven't had one problem with PowerEdit deleting,
changing or altering products or pages other than what we wanted it to do.
Of course, we occassionally told it to do the wrong thing and screwed up the
database ourselves
but nothing that wasn't our fault.
I would definately back up your databases once a month if not more often.
You'll find that it gives you a good peace of mind when something like this
happens (or if, heaven forbit, your server were to crash)...
Brandon Eley"" <> wrote in message
We've never had a problem with Power Edit but before we do anything like
this, we simply backup products/pages (Utilities > Database > Manage). You
can then easily restore if you find a problem.
Fred Holliss, webmaster, Fitter International Inc.
"Balance and Fitness for Life"
Toll Free: 1-800-FITTER-1 | Int'l: +1-403-243-6830 |