I have been having a problem while developing a new site using Shopsite software, but only when displaying the site through IE7. I haven't had any issues whatsoever when viewing the site with IE6 or Firefox.
What happens is after navigating the site, clicking around, adding products to the cart, etc... eventually it will get stuck and will not be able to finish loading. This happens consistently every time I navigate the site on my machine using IE7.
The difficult part though is that it's not consistent between computers. Initially I was only having these issues on my machine, only on the new site I'm working on (we have three other Shopsite based websites that have no problems), and only using IE7. However, the problem seems to have spread to a few other computers in this building.
I have tried everything I can think of:
*I disabled my custom templates and run the site through Shopsite's default templates.
*Before I began seeing the same issues on other machines, I reformatted my hard drive and started anew.
*Disabled the anti-virus and firewall on my computer.
*Disabled IE7's script debugger.
*Uninstalled Java and reinstalled latest Java version 1.6.0
None of these changed anything.
Here is a link to the site:
If you have a moment please click around for a few moments and see if you have any loading issues after 10 to 20 clicks or so. I get problems after clicking 3 to 5 times.
Thanks much.