Location of Shopping Cart CSS files and source code?

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Location of Shopping Cart CSS files and source code?

Postby alans » Thu May 03, 2007 5:15 pm

Being new to all this, I've figured out how to modify the default Shopping Cart template to look like the website that is invoking it, but have dozens of formatting issues. The sc_cart.css and sc_shipping.css files appear to have definitions for formatting of the various ShopSite tag-generated data in the Shopping Cart page(s). If I had access to those .css files and possibly the code that generates those tags I could hurtle all the nagging format issues. As an example: the Quantity, Name and SKU headers would look a lot better if they were left justified like the data associated with them is. Another is getting the Total header to right justify even with the Subtotal, Shipping and Tax columns. If I could locate and view the .css files and source code, I could override some of their class= tags with what I feel would present a better formatted shopping cart. Anyone know where they are located and how to view them?
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Postby alans » Thu May 03, 2007 9:32 pm

The answer to mike's question below helped me out with getting a copy of the sc_cart.css and sc_shipping.css includes. Still interested in knowing where all these files reside internally in shopsite.
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Postby Jim » Fri May 04, 2007 8:55 am

The ShopSite provided templates are in a sub directory of the shopping cart cgis called /templates/... With subdirectories for pages, products, includes, shopping cart etc.
These are in an area that is typically not accessible to the merchant so that they won't be corrupted by a merchant modifying them. These templates are also overwritten every time a store is upgraded so if a merchant modifies them they will lose any changes they made.

The merchant created templates are in in the stores data directory in a subdirectory /templates/.... (also same subdirectories as ShopSite area) The merchant can make a copy of the ShopSite templates from the ones in the ShopSite area to their local area by using the option Copy ShopSite template on the Merchandising /Custom Templates screens. If a file of the same name exists in both the ShopSite template area and the merchant template area to one in the merchant template area will be used. The templates in the merchant area are not changed by an upgrade so any changes there will not be lost.
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Postby czei » Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:31 am

Jim wrote: The merchant can make a copy of the ShopSite templates from the ones in the ShopSite area to their local area by using the option Copy ShopSite template on the Merchandising /Custom Templates screens. If a file of the same name exists in both the ShopSite template area and the merchant template area to one in the merchant template area will be used. The templates in the merchant area are not changed by an upgrade so any changes there will not be lost.

I used this mechanism to create a copy of the shopping cart templates, but still can't figure out how this is supposed to work:

1. It copied the shopping cart template, but not the CSS files which will need to be heavily edited. How can I safely copy the CSS files as well?

2. This file doesn't allow customization of the actually shopping cart part of the page, i.e. the section where the product is listed. I specifically need to fix the display of the product options, since it just crams all of the option descriptions in one row, and the actual option pulldowns on another row, so none of them line up.
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Postby Jim » Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:39 am

The CSS file for the shopping cart would be found in the Includes files. So you would just find the include file that is specified in the shopping cart template that you copied and copy that file using the Copy ShopSite Include button. YOu can then make changes to that file and either copy it to the same name as it originally had or edit your template to include the new filename that you gave it.

The contents of the shopping cart product table is all specified with the single tag [--SC_CART --] or the tag [-- SC_Cart delete quantity image name sku price total --] with items that can be rearranged or removed. YOu would have to use CSS and the styles in the table itself to do any formatting you need.
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