"error verifying" error sometimes with order anywh

General ShopSite user discussion

"error verifying" error sometimes with order anywh

Postby dhs » Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:32 am


We use a remotely hosted search solution for our 7.1.4 shop site store. To have add to cart buttons on the search results we needed to use order anywhere links (below is an example pulled from the page source)

<BR><a href="http://www.thetoolwarehouse.net/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=*2060325cc80c33579aec0e357cf596e4a696&dbname=products&sku=IR%20231C&function=add">[Add to Cart]</a>

Intermittently I have noticed that when using the add to cart link to add something to the cart you get this error:

"error verifying /client/home/toolswai/cgi-bin/2060325cc80c33579aec0e357cf596e4a696,toolswai:BAD INPUT.auth

This store may not be authorized to run ShopSite software. Please contact the merchantor webmaster."

Some of our customers have also complained about this to us. As you can imagine, I don't want to have this error pop up when someone triies to add something.

The odd thing is that if you hit back and hit it again it always works. It seems to only happen with a fresh opening of the web browser (closing all instances of IE and then reopening). This would be the circumstances most of our customers would have to use this feature since they would not be testing it like I am.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:41 am

Just looking at the link "error verifying /client/home/toolswai/cgi-bin/2060325cc80c33579aec0e357cf596e4a696,toolswai:BAD INPUT.auth

It looks like you may have 2 form tags on the page and one of them is not complete. I assume that the 2060325cc80c33579aec0e357cf596e4a696 is suppose to be an encrypted value for the storeid but it is not valid since it should start with an * character as it is in the Add-to-cart link and it should be prefaced with storeid=. Then you have a ,toolswai which looks like it is probably the non-encrypted storeid. So the link contains and invalid storeid and and unencrypted storeid but not the storeid= that should be there.

Check the page to make sure that all form tags are complete with opening and closing tags and that they are not nested so the second one is between the opening and closing of the first one on the page.
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Postby dhs » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:06 am

Thank you for the reply.

There is only one form on the page and it is opened and closed before the add to cart link. There are no other form tags on the page.

The unencrypted reference is coming from Shopsite in the error. It is generated by shopsite so I don't understand the comment about it not supposed to be there. I believe it is out of my control.

There is no unencryted reference in the order anywhere link.

Anything else I should look for? I would be happy to share whatever info you might need.

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Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:11 pm

What is a link to the page where I can reproduce the problem? Does it happen in different browsers?
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Postby dhs » Wed May 02, 2007 9:31 am


Click Then Add To Cart

If it adds it ok, then the problem is not going to occur. You can try again if you close the browser and navigate there again. I only seem to have it occur first thing in the morning with a 'fresh' browser opening. And even then it is not a 100% thing.

IE only. 7.0 is the only IE I have had the problem with.

It is a frustrating issue and I am not sure if you will be able to repeat. I hope so.

I updated the store name encryption code in the order anywhere links thinking that maybe that will help. I have not been able to repeat since doing this.

Thank you,
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Postby Jim » Wed May 02, 2007 9:52 am

I rarely use IE but tried the link in it and it worked fine. I also closed the browser and went to the site directly and did a search for 231c and then added to the cart and that worked fine too. I repeated it may 5 or 6 times and it worked every time.

I note that the store is still running 7.1.4. There have been a number of upgrades since that version with the most current being 8.3. I don't know of anything specific that would have been fixed to resolve this issue (not sure what it is since I can't reproduce it) but you might want to try upgrading to see if you still have the problem.
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Postby dhs » Wed May 02, 2007 12:09 pm

Thank you Jim. Yes we are going to be upgrading here in a month or so. Already bought the 8.2 version I believe but it is only installed on a test site that is not live right now. I will keep my eye on the issue and post back if it continues even after an upgrade. Thank you again.
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