Main index file not updating

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Main index file not updating

Postby greg_b » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:48 pm

I added a number of pages and a number of products to each with no problem. I made some changes to the layout of the page, header/footer, button images, etc. Everything seemed fine.

Now when I go in to add new pages, when I publish, they don't appear. It's as if I didn't make the change to the main page. The pages do, however, exist, because I can open them up directly and see them.

I regenerated the entire site and nothing changed.

I can change header and footer info and the page reflects the changes, but not new pages on the main page.

I really buggered something up. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
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Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:25 am

Postby loren_d_c » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:36 pm

Check the Filename field for the page. If you changed the Filename, then the page you are looking at may not be the current page that is being generated by ShopSite, you may need to adjust the URL of the page to reflect the current Filename setting.

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Postby greg_b » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:26 pm

Thanks for the quick response, Loren.

I'm really new to Shopsite, and I'm not exactly sure what you are saying. I'm sorry to be so ignorant.

The page I'm referring to is the main shop page. It's the page that comes up when you check your site from the shopsite interface. I can make changes to the header/footer from within the interface, publish, and then view the page from the shopsite interface link. That works fine.

But when I add a new page from within the interface, that new page is created and available, but the main shop page is not updated with the newly created page.

I went as far as to create a temporary folder and move all the shopsite html pages (index.html, page1.html, page2.html, etc.) into it, leaving the "shop" folder empty. I was hoping that regenerating the shop would recreate all the html files, but the "shop" folder stayed empty.

I guess I've gone off in some wild direction that isn't remotely close to solving the problem. From what you said, where are the pages supposed to be generated by shopsite by default? And how do I check the filename field for the page?

I feel like an idiot, sorry.

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Postby greg_b » Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:11 pm

Problem solved, kind of. I don't remember having to assign pages to the main index before. I could have sworn that by creating those pages, they appeared. I solved my problem by going to the main index page in the interface and assigning the new pages I just created.

Again, I really feel like an idiot. Thanks again for your attempt to straighten me out, Loren. :)
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Postby Jim » Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:49 pm

When you go through the Wizard to setup your store the initial time the pages will all be assigned to the main store page. In the backoffice through the Add a page screens they are not automatically added to the main page.
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