Several Questions

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Several Questions

Postby mikefromvt » Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:44 am


We would prefer NOT to hard code any customizations to products and look for the control panel to provide the capability. Am I correct that, with ShopSite, we will, in fact, have to create a custom shopping cart page if we want:

1) Not to have ordering options show up on the shopping cart page
2) Change the titles of shipping options from
Shipping 3
Shipping 4
to the titles we need
Priority Mail

If I am correct then,

1) If I copy a template and edit it, how do I change the defaults so that the new template will be called whenever a page is to be generated?
2) Where do I find the style sheet(s)


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Postby loren_d_c » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:15 am

2) Change the titles of shipping options from
Shipping 3
Shipping 4
to the titles we need
Priority Mail

This has nothing to do with the template. To change the shipping option names go to Preferences -> Store Text -> Shipping.

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Postby mikefromvt » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:30 am

That was easy.

What about not having the ordering options show up on the cart page? I read a posting where "jereme" suggested modifying the style sheet, but I can't find a style sheet. When I copied sc_default and looked at the various define sections I could not find any style sheet info. Where is the style sheet?


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Postby loren_d_c » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:46 am

When I copied sc_default and looked at the various define sections I could not find any style sheet info. Where is the style sheet?

It's probably in an include file, not the actual cart template itself. Check near the top of each DEFINE section in the cart template and look for the INCLUDE tag for a css file. then you should be able to copy this file in the Includes section of the Custom Templates menu.

Note that you don't necessarily have to modify the included CSS styles to add your own, you can just add your own in the custom template right after the INCLUDE for the default css file. Any styles you define should override any that appear previous to it. Check the source of the shopping cart screen to see what class is used for the Ordering Options table cell (or refer to 'jereme's' post if it is mentioned in there).

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Postby mikefromvt » Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:01 am

There is a mention of

[-- INCLUDE sc_cart.css PROCESS --]


[-- DEFINE Shopping Cart --]

But I can not find any INCLUDES, not for custom template nor for shopping cart. I checked the file structure and cannot find any .css files.

Is this sc_cart.css dynamically generated? If yes, where are the settings?


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Postby loren_d_c » Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:22 am


You are looking for this css file all wrong. Go to Merchandising -> Custom Templates and in the Include Files section use the 'Copy ShopSite Include' function to find and copy this include to one you can edit.

Again, probably not necessary to edit this default css file. If you are only making minor changes or adding new style definitions, you can define your own CCS styles right in the custom template itself as long as it appears somewhere after the INCLUDE tag for the default css file.

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Postby mikefromvt » Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:39 am

I had found it.

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