See, now that's exactly where I had the cognitive dissonance! Between that and that "Proceed" button (which still suggests that I am "proceed with the billing function/action", but apparently means "proceed to the orders list screen" )... Man, don't get UI/Usability folks involved, we just get confused.
I suppose that in this instance, the very moment of clicking "Bill Orders" does in fact send out the capture request. So I suppose it's fair to see a "Billed" status on the screen displaying immediately after clicking "Bill Orders". I think where my disconnect happened -- is that I thought that "Proceed" was actually firing off the capture request.
Now, where's my hug?
Swine wrote:Am I missing something here? Isn't "billed" the past tense of "bill?" And doesn't the very act of referring to something in the past tense indicate that that particular something has already happened?
Like: Let's say I need to work my paper route before my dad will let me go out and play. I haven't yet done it. The paper route is not finished. Now, if my dad asks me if I've finished my paper route and I say, "Yes, it's finished," what am I really saying? According to ShopSite, I'm saying that I have yet to deliver any papers.
"Dad," I'll say. "The paper route is finished. Can I go out and play?"
If my father is an experienced ShopSite pro, he'll say, "No playing until your paper route is ALREADY finished!"
Then we'll laugh Leave-It-To-Beaverishly and hug.