Question about order processing

General ShopSite user discussion

Question about order processing

Postby drewstair » Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:11 pm

I am sorry for so many questions, but the more I play around with shopsite, the less I like it.

Can someone walk me through the way they typically process and track orders?

To see how it works, I just placed a test order through my site. I went to orders in SS, listed out the orders, selected the one I placed, printed the invoice to see it, clicked Bill Orders. Now, I assume that would be the last step in a transaction, and it would make a note on the order that it has been charged/shipped. But when I go to list out orders again, the order I placed is still there with an asterisk next to it with no notation that it has been charged/shipped. To make matter worse, I can't archive the completed orders? I can only delete them?? What happens when a customer calls and I need to look up their order?

As I have mentioned in my other post, I am a customer with bcentral. When an order came in with that system, the "process orders page" would list out all of the orders showing the order number, the date the order came in, the payment method and the price. I would click the order number to see the details, click invoice to see/print the packing slip, and then I could finalize/charge the order from the screen that showed the details. Once the order was finalized, the "process orders" screen would place a check box next to it so I could archive, not delete, the order. This made it very easy to later search for the order. I could also search for all orders and download a csv file where I could easily organize the list to show canceled orders, refunds, and completed orders. Since I get a bonus each month based on total sales, I need to be able to add up the revenues and easily subtract the refunds, and ignore the canceled orders altogether. Why is this not the way SS is set up? Have I just been spoiled? Sorry for the long post.
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Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:57 pm

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