I am a current bcentral user. Unfortunately they are shutting down so I had to switch to shopsite for the orderAnywhere feature which is similar to the way bcentrals cart worked. A lot of times, we have customers who need to be refunded for different reasons. Sometimes I am out of stock on one item from their order and I need to refund them for it, other times they fail to use the coupon code when placing the order and I need to refund the difference. Is there anyway to do this through shopsite or will I have to do everything through my payment processor's virtual terminal? Seems silly not to be able to do this....
In the same vein, is there anyway to create a manual order where I type in the product and amount myself? I charge my wholesale customers actual shipping as a seperate charge once an order goes out. In bcentral I simply click Enter Order, fill out the details and submit/charge the amount. Any help? Thanks!