Problems with pull down menus and orders page

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Problems with pull down menus and orders page

Postby distanthorizon » Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:16 pm

The pull down menus work fine for the customers, but we are having problems with them in the orders placed pages. Is there a way to list the "title" of the pull down menu on the orders page? For example, we have jeans which require people to input width and length. If someone choses a width of 33 and a length of 31, all that shows up on the order receipt is:


This is posing a problem to the people who fulfill the orders, and these two numbers are getting mixed up. Would we have to go through and change ever single option and list what it is in the pull down menu (ie. "33 length," "34 length," ect.)? Or is there something we can adjust somewhere so that the title of the pull down menu appears on the orders page?

I would appreciate any help!
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Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:57 pm

Postby Jim » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:03 pm

You will probably need to modify the option names. There is no way to automatically include text with the options on the order.

The options will be listed in the order that they appeared on the product/shopping cart page so if you are consistent in how you put them in the product you could assume that the first is always waist and the second length. But to be certain I would add a W and L to the options so they would show up as 34W 30L.
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Postby distanthorizon » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:23 pm

I was afraid that may be the case. Thanks for the reply, Jim. It helps greatly to know I need to start changing things instead of searching for another solution when there is none to be found.

Thanks again!
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:57 pm

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