odering options

General ShopSite user discussion

odering options

Postby jarodgan » Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:10 am


referring to the ordering option feature where, for example you can let the customer choose a different colors for a t-shirt. this is a case where the t-shirt have same price only different in color.

what if i have a same type of product but available in different size, which have different prices too. instead of having 10 rows of the same item listed on the store page, would it be possible to have one row, and a drop down list so that the customer can choose which size they want and the price change accordingly. and this information than carried to cart.

thanks in advance

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Joined: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:40 am

Postby Jim » Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:59 am

This would be Order Option pricing in a Pro level store. See the help at
http://shopsite.com/help/8.2/en-US/sc/p ... tions.html

Basically you add a semicolon (;) and price to the end of the option name and when the item is added to the cart the price is adjusted.

(Ink Color);n
Black (-$0.15);-0.15
Silver (+$0.45);+0.45
Gold (+$0.65);+0.65

The ;n on the first item indicates that it is not a valid item and they must select an option before being able to check out. The items with numbers represent changes in the base price the -0.15 would subtract 15 cents (or what ever currency you are using) from the black and the 0.45 and 0.65 add 45 cents to silver and 65 to gold. Note that the numbers in ( ) are to let the customer know they will be charged that much extra (or less) than the normal price. But that does not have to be on the option.
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Postby jarodgan » Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:06 pm

thank you jim,

can we just key in a different price instead of having increase or decrease formula.

thank you
Posts: 41
Joined: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:40 am

Postby Jim » Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:12 pm

No, the price is set from the base price with the modifier assigned to it. There is no way using order options to set a new price.
Well, there might be if you want to set the base price as 0 and always include the final price as the value after the semicolon.

It would also be possible to use subproducts instead of order options and using a custom template display the subproducts in a dropdown list. There have been several posts to the forum describing how to do this so you could do a search and find the template format.
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