Parent Product SKU #

General ShopSite user discussion

Parent Product SKU #

Postby enigmarsi » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:59 pm


I've successfully setup my subproducts to have the parent product's name appended to the Product Name when it's added to the shopping cart.

My questions is if it's possible to do the same thing with the SKU #? Ideally I'd like to prepend the Parent Product's SKU # to the Sub-product's SKU # but just appending would be fine. Another solution to my problem would be to replace the Sub-Product's SKU # with the Parent Products SKU #.

I also was thinking if there is no pre-built way of doing this, would anyone have some creative ideas on how to use the Variable SKU # feature of ShopSite to mix the Parent Product SKU # with the SubProducts SKU #?

Has anyone done something similar to this?

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:19 pm

Postby Jim » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:35 am

The shopping cart is only able to display the parent name and subproduct name in the name column. Is is not possible to put the sku in the place of either of them unless you give the products the sku for the name.

If you were to use the sku for the name of the product and you are using custom templates you could use one of the custom product fields for a real name and in your template specify the custom field where you want the text version of the name to appear. When the product is added to the cart it would use the value that was in the product's name field.
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