Free Shipping if order over X dollars of a product

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Free Shipping if order over X dollars of a product

Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:11 am

Hello everyone

Is there any way to specify free shipping on orders of a specific product over a specified amount? Example: "Free shipping when you buy 3 or more." How could you implement this?

Additionally, is there a way to offer a free other product under the same conditions?
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Postby Jim » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:05 am

There is no way to specify free shipping for some products but not for others Free shipping options are set for the entire order on the Cormmerce Setup > Shipping screen.

To offer a free product with the purchase of other products you could use the rewards program. This is available in ShopSite Pro.
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Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:27 pm

It's unfortunate that you can't specify them for individual products, but it is fortunate that I have shopsite pro so I can use the rewards program. Thank you very much for your quick response.
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Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:33 pm

I am having some serious problems with this rewards program. I implemented a reward program that wen up just fine, but I have since tried editting it and noticed that the changes were not taking effect. I have now deleted the reward program completely and it is still in effect. The only way to remove the reward is to disable rewards completely. This, however, does not allow me to implement the rewards program the way I want to. Has anyone experience similar issues or know how to fix this?
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Postby Jim » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:40 pm

What do you mean by "The only way to remove the reward". Are you talking about removing the item from the shopping cart? Or unassigning the item from a reward category/ Or what?

Once a reward item is in the cart if the number of qualifying items is reduced the reward item should have a charge displayed instead of being a free reward. The person could then remove the reward item if they no longer want it by changing the quantity to 0 and recalculating or if you have enabled the "remove" button in the cart they could just click that.
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Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:47 pm

Is there any way to have the reward item added automatically? I understand if the reward item and the qualifier item are the same, this happens naturally, but if they are not, it appears the customer has to add the reward item to the cart manually.

sorry about the removal quote... it was a type. I meant "The only way was to..." and I was referring to the back office. That has been sorted out.

It seems the reward items were updating just fine, it was that I assumed the reward items were added automatically... this has become my goal.

Thank you.
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Postby Jim » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:59 pm

It is possible that you could have several items which could be free rewards so how would you know which one to automatically add?
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Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:11 pm

In this case, there is only one possible.

I wouldn't even mind if the reward notification was functioning properly, I could use the shopsite custom template to do an "If reward" situation, but it seems to report a reward status being met if the shopping cart ever indicated that there was a reward status met, regardless of the cart's current status. People would be confused if it says "you qualify" at the top, when they do not. Because of that, I have disabled notification.

There are 2 possible solutions, neither of which I have had any luck with as of yet.

1. The Free item is automatically added once requirements are met

2. Notification is given with a link to add the free item _only_ when requirements are currently met (not past met)

If you see a different way this could work, please let me know, but it must be user friendly and user obvious. Thank you very much for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate your continued support.
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Postby Jim » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:30 pm

If you only offer one reward product you could change the text displayed when they qualify for the reward to say "You may have qualified for a reward. Click here to add the item to the shopping cart.

And make the "Click Here" be an order anywhere link to add the item to the cart. Like:
You may have qualified for a reward. <a href="*12fe76ff3bfb0e6c37605f&dbname=products&itemnum=27&function=add">Click Here</a> to add the item to the cart. If you remove items from the cart so you no longer qualify for the free item it will be charged for.

I haven't tried this but I think it should work.
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Postby lipidshield » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:42 pm

Thank you Jim. I already have your suggestion implemented as a temporary fix and it is working just fine. Ultimately I would like to have the products be added, or (less desirable) have the links only show up when they actually qualify. You would be surprised how many people call and ask "why don't I qualify" regardless of how clear I make it. People just don't like to read and extra clicks equals frustrated customers equals lost sales and tied up phone lines, hence the desired automation.

I really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly and so frequently. You've been a big help.
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