by Jim » Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:30 pm
You can do this in image editing software such as PhotoShop, PhotoPaint etc. You could also upgrade to ShopSite 8.2 which allows creation of up to 3 different size images when you upload the image or by selecting it after the upload and specifying that you want the images create. ShopSite will resize the images to the largest dimension specified but I do not believe that it will fill the background with a color if it doesn't fit perfectly in the size specified. E.G. if the image you upload is 200 x 150 and you say to put it in a 100 x 100 box the resulting image will be 100 x 75 since it will fill the largest dimension and maintain the perportions of the image.
The images can then be used as product images, product moreinfo image, as the product image on search results or in the shopping cart.