search like orderanywhere?

General ShopSite user discussion

search like orderanywhere?

Postby johnmws » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:13 pm

i searched several times the faq and forum to see if this one had been asked before...i found nothing, so here goes:

is it at all possible to copy the search function from a shopsite indexed page and use it to run the search function on a custom index.html page that wasn't spit out by shopsite?

i was able to do this on another shopping cart, just copied the search form into the index.html file and it worked, let me search the whole catalog.

but i can't figure out how to make it work in shopsite. do i have to create my index.html w/in shopsite, tell it to add search field, then make any html edits and css edits from that created page?

any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:15 pm

You can copy the source for the search field from a ShopSite generated page and put it on your own html page. One requirement for the ShopSite search to index products is that at least one ShopSite generated page must have a search form on it to initiate the search indexing. That page does not have to be one that the shopper can see but there must be at least one page with the ShopSite generated page.
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