changing the background color

General ShopSite user discussion

changing the background color

Postby anxiouskittie » Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:17 pm


I know how to change the background color in pages, but not in the MAIN layout, if you know what I mean

This is the site:

I would like to get rid of that blue/green-ish color.

Also, I would like to change the color in the back of the logo I have made. But not anywhere else.. Is that possible?

Where do I go to change these things, and is it inside of the layout template.. if so, where do I go to change it, and what do I look for..

thanks :)
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Postby anxiouskittie » Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:56 pm

I am using the "sky"... something.. layout..

I don't get why I can't find the answer to this anywhere, this should be one of the first things one would like to change, am I right? :P

I'd really like to know..

plus the color behind the logo..

If anyone knows, pleeease teach me
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Postby Jim » Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:19 pm

Have you tried changing the colors by going to Pages > (select your page) > Edit Page Layout and changing the colors assigned there? That will change some of the colors used on the page for a particular theme. But you may need to modify the template files used by the theme if that doesn't not change the colors the way you want them.

The color schemes setup in the various themes often use values and styles in the templates themselves so it is not always possible to change them from settings in the backoffice of the store.
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Postby anxiouskittie » Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:39 pm

Hey Jim!

Well, when I change the "background color" in editing the "pages", it will only change the color behind the text and the content on the site. But not the main layout (the blue/green color you can see on the site now).

I have looked through the template but I cannot find anything that will change the background color.. I like this template the most of the ones available, and it is the one that I feel most comfortable with, but it is strange that I cannot easily edit the background color of the layout.
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Postby anxiouskittie » Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:50 pm


I just tested out something, with strange results.

I edited a pages link color, visited link color, active link color.. and these changed also the background color! How strange.. I don't get it :S Is there a bug somewhere?

ACTIVE LINK: The background color of the page..
VISITED LINK COLOR: Search and menu color..

Very strange.
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Postby Jim » Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:02 am

This is the way the theme was designed to work. There are only a certain number of setting for colors that can be set from the page layout screen. Since the template has more areas where colors are set it must reuse some of these settings for multiple areas.

If you want to set the colors to something other that what can be set by the basic theme using the color settings for a page then you will need to modify the template(s) and include your own color specification in the template.
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