Change Shipping NAMES in Product definition screen

General ShopSite user discussion

Change Shipping NAMES in Product definition screen

Postby MServitus » Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:02 pm

For years I have been struggling to train my staff members to use
Shopsite's " Store Text: Shipping" descriptions of shipping methods..
We continue to make the same mistakes over and over again because of the NAMES put on the 10 ( or 9) shipping Catagories
In the screen found at Shopsite-- Commerce Setup --- Shipping --

I find the opportunity to place "customer readable text" along side a list of ten catagoy NAMES .
The catalogs NAMES are, by default: Ground, 2nd Day, Next Day, Shipping 3, Shipping 4....Shipping 9.

My problems starts when I want to encourage my customers to use other-than "next Day" shipment.
I want to give them choices like. " Our choice" ( We pick the least expensive and most reasonable method)
Then " FIRST CLASS" , PRIORITY, 2 Day Express, and Next Day. Then we use the 6th, 7th and 8th position for overseas shipping to Canada, Europe and Austrailia.

Now my customers see those NEW LABELS I typed in for these shipping catalogies. It makes sense to them. They compliment us on the ease and fairness of our shipping costs.

But when my staff goes to update shipping costs in the PRODUCT database, they see the Shopsite provided catagory NAMES ( Ground, 2nd day, next day, then shipping 3.. shipping 9. Not the catagoriy information that my customers see.

Is there any way I can change the shipping catagory NAMES shown in the product database to match what I show to my customers. ??

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Postby Jim » Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:06 pm

There is no way to change the names that appear on the Edit Product Info screen if that is what you are talking about. There is no way to change the internal database field names either.

If you do a tab delimited upload of your products you could name the fields with your names and then match the names during the upload process. The next time you upload the previously matched field names will be recognized so you don't have to do it again.

On a download you can use the Field Map option to give the download fields your names so they will appear in the tab delimited download file the way you want them. That will make it easier for editing the files in Excel or another database application on your local computer.
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Thanks but not satisfied.

Postby MServitus » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:32 am

Thanks for the quick response. Great support is the key reason I keep hanging up on the "shopping cart for free" telemarketeers who call me each week. And buying the updates to Shopsite.
I wouldn't have so much trouble with this if even SHOPSITE'S NAMES were consistant. It looks like you started off back in the "fish store days" with a " shipping 1, shipping 2.... shipping 10" kind of series.
Then someone got the idea of being more descriptive, so late one afternoon some under-aptituded manager changed shipping 1 to ground, shipping 2 to next day, shipping 3 to 2nd day.. Then s/he got bored and simply pasted the tail end of the name stream back into the code segment s/he was editing. Unfortunately s/he miss alined the paste so instead of starting the paste with Shipping 4, they started with Shipping 3.
Thus there are essentially TWO Shipping 3's. There is " Next Day" which truly occupied the Third position in the series. Then there is "shipping 3", which really occupied the FOURTH position. Shipping 4 is in the FIFTH position, and so forth until Shipping 9 sits in the Tenth postion.
I'm sure being a computer geek, you can understand this series mis-naming. But try to explain it to a simple B of Arts grad from BYU. They Insist on putting the 8th shipping price element in "shipping 8", when ir really belongs in "Shipping 7". And they put the 3rd element in "shipping 3" instead of "Next Day".
After a dozen operator errors and 10 pissed of customer letters and 4 hours of my time, I usually get a staffer trained. Then someone else starts adding products and the whole process starts over again.
To try to cope with this screw-up, I have little strips of paper taped to the sides our monitors. I have cheat sheets, and special input forms
and little cards pointing out that shipping element "Priority" really goes in the field named " Next Day".
I still end up eating shipping to Austrailia every couple of weeks.
I think I'll call Barnie and see how StoneEdge deals with it..
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Postby Jim » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:16 pm

"But try to explain it to a simple B of Arts grad from BYU."

You wouldn't be a U grad would you? ;-)

ShopSite was originally designed by computer guys. In computer programming references for a group of items start with 0 not 1 so that is how they named the shipping options. They just gave the first 3 (i.e. 0,1,2) names so the 4th one became Shipping 3.

I have logged an enhancement request to have the names on the product screen use the names defined for the on the Preferences > Store Text > Shipping screen. I don't know when/if it will be implemented but it will be considered for a future release.[/quote]
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