I have been working on my shopsite store and whenever I click on "VIEW STORE" everything looks great! But then I went and made the changes with my hosting company so the site would be live and when we go to the domain it loads the pages but shows image placeholders instead of the images.
I didn't think the changes made on the domain should have mattered but just to be sure I figured I would recompile the site. Clicking on "VIEW STORE" produced an error about not finding the store. I went in under preferences on Shopsite and gave it the new domain location. I then recompiled the store but it still not showing the images. It's not even showing the images when I click VIEW STORE in shopsite like it used to do.
Should I be concerned about this? Or should I ignore it for the moment - change things back to the way they were and finish building the store first?
Thanks for any help or insight.