Cutom Template Contractor

General ShopSite user discussion

Cutom Template Contractor

Postby jguliano » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:20 pm

I am looking for someone to create a page template for us. We presently use the canned Matte style template but would like something more like the Lefty style with some links to the common brands we carry placed in the left side. Is anyone out there interested in doing a small project like this? I have tried opening up an existing canned template and making changes to it but prefer to work in Front Page where I can see what I am doing as I do it. I assume there is no way to do this work visualy with something like Front Page?
Jay Guliano
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have you found someone yet?

Postby giftsbydelivery » Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:32 pm

I noticed that no one has publicly recommended anyone. Have you received any private recommendations or are you still waiting?

I would happily recommend my web designer. You can email me or if there is more interest I will share it here.

Gifts By Delivery!
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Custom Templates Not Answered

Postby jguliano » Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:35 pm

No one has anwered this post as of yet. I find it odd since there must be several people who generate custom templates or have had someone do so for them that read this forum.
Jay Guliano
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Postby beeutahful » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:08 pm

It is much easier to work from your design to a custom template than it is to modify a ShopSite design to fit your needs. The reason for this is the ShopSite templates take into account most if not all feature available to the merchant so they are quite complex.

If you post a url to your design for the page I'll look at it and step you through how I would go about implementing the template.
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Postby jguliano » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:08 pm

Actualy since I am talking about making a custom template we might as well put a fresh face on the website at the same time. The Matte template we use is looking a little old now. Most sites use a header with a few links in it and a left side link bar. We are wanting to do the same. More importantly we want a template that is SEO friendly. That is our highest priority over looks. Someone out there must do this for living and be very familiar with ShopSite as well. It seems like it would take someone that knows how about a day to crank out what we want.
Jay Guliano
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:45 pm

I would suggest contacting some of the designers that are listed in the Certified ShopSite Designer program, that list can be found here:

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Postby » Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:35 pm

I also find it odd there are not more web consultants on this forum just waiting here for work. We also would like custom templates (website) created. We are using the Awesome template that came with SS 8. Its nice and does the trick, but would like a more unique look.

Any suggestions?

Big Books and Gifts
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Postby websitewerx » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:44 pm

It could be the time of year... it's probably very busy for web consultants from now through the end of December.
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Postby giftsbydelivery » Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:06 pm


If you are still looking for someone, and you have not found someone, please feel free to email Tina Bell Vance. She designed our site and has a great working knowledge of Shopsite.

She is not certified, but that has not been an issue for us. She is a very experienced designer.

There is an email link at the bottom of my homepage.

Gifts By Delivery
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ShopSite CSD - Custom Templates, Modules, etc.

Postby dlowland » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:08 pm

Just checked in on the forum and saw everyone's requests.

Ebeacon has been a ShopSite partner since 1998. We design, develop, and host sophisticated custom ShopSite stores that fully utilize the tools and features within ShopSite -- no reliance on "order anywhere pages" or other work arounds.

Take advantage of ShopSite's data-driven pages and products using custom templates to deliver a compelling online shopping experience. Our custom modules further extend the functionality of ShopSite.

Feel free to contact us regarding your ShopSite development needs.


David Lowland
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Postby mtgotraders » Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:41 am

The guy that did my site can be contacted at I think he did a great job and it really reflects the type of product I sell.
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Have site designed by a designer, then hire a coder

Postby Oldedit » Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:40 pm

The best way to create a new template is to have your designer create the design you want with all the pages and templates you need.

Then hire one of the professionals Shopsite recommends to implement your design and create Shopsite templates.

Designing and coding are different skills, and few are really great at both. We used our in-house webmaster who is an experienced designer and programmer to design the site to my specs. Then we used Kyle Rodeck in Montreal to create the Shopsite templates and help us activate the site.

Kyle's web site is here.
Total web site is in Shopsite. Also blog in Expression Engine and Run a vBulletin board. Looking for ways to sell more stuff.
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RE: best way to custom templates

Postby dlowland » Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:32 am

>The best way to create a new template is to have your designer create the design you want with all the pages and templates you need.

Well, that may work for some, but if your designer isn't familiar with all the fields and conditions available within ShopSite or how ShopSite actually creates its products and pages, you can end up spending a lot of time and money trying to work around a design that isn't really fit for ShopSite.

Oldedit is right, though. Designing and coding are distinctly different skills. As are understanding and designing an appropriate site architecture and working with the functional/programmatic possibilities of ShopSite and add-on modules that can extend ShopSite and further strengthen your online presence.

It's the reason few really good professional development firms are one-person shops.

Ebeacon : Certified ShopSite Designers
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Re: Cutom Template Contractor

Postby tcguide » Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:30 pm

Hi Jay,

We talked last year about your SEO problems from the last designer that "attempted" to create a custom template for you. I know you're industry and have done a lot of custom SS. It is a buy time of year for us being e-commerce season but we could work you in.

jguliano wrote:I am looking for someone to create a page template for us. We presently use the canned Matte style template but would like something more like the Lefty style with some links to the common brands we carry placed in the left side. Is anyone out there interested in doing a small project like this? I have tried opening up an existing canned template and making changes to it but prefer to work in Front Page where I can see what I am doing as I do it. I assume there is no way to do this work visualy with something like Front Page?
Michael Ricker ~ Management Specialties
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