Order Transfer items don't map correct into QuickBooks items

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Order Transfer items don't map correct into QuickBooks items

Postby cnoelplemmons » Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:43 pm

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to map the items from ShopSite/Order Transfer so that they can find their way into their associate items in QuickBooks. I restructured my QuickBooks data so that each numeric named item is now a "child" item of a alphanumeric parent. Since I did that, my ShopSite items can't find their way into QuickBooks and automatically merge with thier associates. I have to manually merge them, which is making me very sad because the parent-child order restructure has been a huge improvement for us on all other levels. Someone please help!

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Postby shopsiteandy » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:45 pm

If you've changed the structure in QuickBooks to arrange the items in parent-child relationships, you'll need to modify the products in ShopSite to reflect that relationship.

The easiest way to do this would be to add a colon in the Product SKU (in ShopSite). The colon is interpreted by QB to mean a parent-child relationship.

If the product appears like this in QuickBooks:
Code: Select all
Parent Product SKU
       Child Product SKU

... then the product SKU field in ShopSite needs to be changed

Code: Select all
Child Product SKU

Code: Select all
Parent Product SKU:Child Product SKU

This will need to be done for each product that has been adjusted to a parent-child relationship in QuickBooks.

Note, if you are not using SKUs in ShopSite, then the change will instead need to be made to the ShopSite "Product Name" field of each affected product.
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Postby cnoelplemmons » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:54 pm

I am using SKUs in ShopSite. Can you tell me if it's okay to use an alphabetical name as a parent? Here's an example of what my SKU in ShopSite looks like now:


If I change it in the way you're suggesting, it will look like this:

Sn-Cuervo Pull Oil Negro:1003364

Is that okay? I was told by my IT guy (who is now on disability) that the parent before the colon couldn't be alphnumeric.

Thanks for getting back to me.
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Postby shopsiteandy » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:35 pm

It has worked for me.

If you're nervous about making this type of change to your products, you could:

1) set up a test product in ShopSite with that type of SKU,
2) place a test order that includes that product
3) Import it to see what happens.

I would also recommend setting up a "testing" QuickBooks company file to try this, so you can experiment without affecting any of your existing accounting data.
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QuickBooks - COGS error

Postby cnoelplemmons » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:33 am

Thanks for that recommendation! I tried that yesterday and it worked for the test product without a hitch. Then I tried it with one of our real products and I got the following error message:

There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks COGS account "Cost of Goods Sold -need update" in the ItemInventory. QuickBooks error message: To change the expense account, you must switch to single-user mode.

I then chose to proceed with the transfer anyway, and Order Transfer said zero orders were imported....BUT the transfer actually did go through and it seems to be fine. Do you have any idea what's going on with that error message? In Order Transfer, the preference for COGS under "inventory" is set to an old QuickBooks account that we don't use anymore called "Cost of Goods Sold -need update" The account is still active, but it shouldn't get used anymore. There are no other choices, however, in that drop down menu.

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Postby shopsiteandy » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:27 am

Try this:

--Open your QB company fle
--Open Order Transfer
--Once Order Transfer is open, on the very first screen where you would normally click "Next", go to "File -> Export..." instead
--Make sure your connection is selected, and click "Export"

Once the export is complete, go to "Preferences -> Inventory" and see if you have the account you need in the "Cost of Goods Sold Account".
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nothing changed

Postby cnoelplemmons » Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:17 pm

Nothing happened when I did that. Still just that one account.
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Postby shopsiteandy » Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:41 pm

Sounds like you may only have one "Cost of Goods Sold" type of account set up in QuickBooks, or may not have the correct QuickBooks company file open.
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new problem with SKU change

Postby cnoelplemmons » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:42 pm

Despite the Order Transfer error message I get when importing, the test orders do transfer into QuickBooks and all the accounts are properly associated. I want to learn more about why I continue to get these errors (now associated with the "inventory asset account").

BUT, I now have what seems to be a more serious problem. I downloaded the product names and SKUs from my database and went through the process of changing all of my SKUs so that they have the "parent:chlid" relationship as the SKU....I uploaded a small sample of those items and the few I tested transferred into QuickBooks and (except for the error message described above), everything worked. THEN, I went and uploaded the entire database and though I had no errors uploading, I tried to purchase a number of my items and I got the following message in the shopping cart:

"The product was not added because the SKU could not be found, please notify the merchant"

This freaked me out, so I restored the database and now I'm writing you for help. Can you tell me what I did wrong?

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Postby shopsiteandy » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:53 pm

My first thought would be to make sure you republish your entire store, if you are using ShopSite-generated pages.
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Postby cnoelplemmons » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:59 pm

I did publish. And I've been looking at ALL of the original test products that I uploaded and some of them are giving me that same message.

The product was not added because the SKU could not be found, please notify the merchant

Any other ideas? I saw something in an earlier discussion about going to Order Anywhere and pushing a "Generate SKUs" button, but I don't see anything like that on my Order Anywhere screen.

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Postby shopsiteandy » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:07 pm

Are you using Order Anywhere?

What is your website URL?
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Postby cnoelplemmons » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:09 pm

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Postby cnoelplemmons » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:11 pm

The items that have been updated with the new SKU format are the Bed Stu boots. They're the only ones that aren't working now as of now
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Postby shopsiteandy » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:21 pm

Looks like your site is using Order Anywhere. Whatever system you use to update and publish the site will need to be updated with the new SKUs. The order buttons are pointing to the old SKU.

As your site pages do not appear to be generated by ShopSite, republishing from the ShopSite back office will not update the links on your store pages.

For instance, on this page:


Hovering over the links to buy show the SKU that is going to be (attempted to be) added to the cart, and they are all numeric, such as 1003497 for the size 8. Since that SKU has been changed in your ShopSite database, the cart cannot find the correct product to add. Updating the add-to-cart links for the products, with the new SKUs, should fix this problem.
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