If you've changed the structure in QuickBooks to arrange the items in parent-child relationships, you'll need to modify the products in ShopSite to reflect that relationship.
The easiest way to do this would be to add a colon in the Product SKU (in ShopSite). The colon is interpreted by QB to mean a parent-child relationship.
If the product appears like this in QuickBooks:
- Code: Select all
Parent Product SKU
Child Product SKU
... then the product SKU field in ShopSite needs to be changed
- Code: Select all
Child Product SKU
- Code: Select all
Parent Product SKU:Child Product SKU
This will need to be done for each product that has been adjusted to a parent-child relationship in QuickBooks.
Note, if you are not using SKUs in ShopSite, then the change will instead need to be made to the ShopSite "Product Name" field of each affected product.