Fedex Shipping Calculations on Multiple Quantities. Help!

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Fedex Shipping Calculations on Multiple Quantities. Help!

Postby specimen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:00 pm

This is a make or break item for the new store I'm developing for my client. We want a separate Fedex box shipped for each separate unit, i.e., order qty 3 of one product, get 3 fedex boxes shipped. Simple. We expect the Fedex charges to be a simple multiplier of the Qty 1 charge. This is not the case as the scenario shows.

Scenario: 1 product defined with weight 22 lbs, and dimensions 8"x13"x34" and Fedex as only shipping method.

Order: Qty 1, Zip Code 10014 (from 94107) Residential Ground: $20.62 : this is expected

Qty 2, all else the same : $46.24 (2x + $5.00)
Qty 3, all else the same : $78.36 (3x + $16.50)
Qty 4, all esle the same: $114.48 (4x + $32.00)

Why isn't it just a multiple of shipping Qty 1?

In testing other live sites using Shopsite and UPS, it is a straight multiplier. Am I missing something? I can't find a live Shopsite site yet using Fedex.

Thanks for any help!
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Postby Jim » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:01 pm

If you have a box size defined for a product then Fedex (or UPS) prices will be based on the package/weight combination for that box size. If no box size is assigned to the product then multiple products will be added together until the max package weight is reached and then a new package will be started. So for example you have a product weighing 10 lbs and have a max package weight of 30 lbs. If you don't have a box size assigned to the product and someone order 4 items you would get shipping charges back for the total of 2 packages, 1 @ 30lbs and 1 @ 10lbs. If you have a box size defined then you would get back a rate quote for 4 10lb packages which would probably be 4 times the rate of 1 10lb box..
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Postby specimen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:18 pm

Thanks for the reply.

I do have the box size defined as 8x13x34, units set to inches and weight at 22 lbs and it's *not* doing a straight multiply (as shown) when just the quantity is changed. Each additional quantity adds a significant charge I can't account for (as shown). I'm only using 1 product and only Fedex to keep it simple. I have no handling charges defined.

In testing the same exact scenario at the rate calculator, it just does a straight multiply which is what we expect and require.
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Postby Jim » Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:14 pm

What fedex shipping options do you have set? Please list them all and I will try to duplicate the issue.

Also do you have store wide or product handling charges enabled? Do you have tax on shipping included in the shipping total or tax total?
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Postby specimen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:48 pm

Fedex options are only: Home Delivery, Priorioty Overnight, 2Day, Residential, Regular Pickup

No product handling charges. No taxes on shipping.

Here are PDFs screen dumps of the settings:

Can't get much simpler.

Are there any other settings you need to see?
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Postby specimen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:06 pm

You can order a product and see the shopping cart page (no gateways are turned on so test all you want):

Add one of the products with qty 1 and at the shopping cart.

Use 10014 (new york) as the zip code and note the Fedex charge, chg qty to 2 or 10, recalculate and see that it's not a simple multiply.

shipping is from 94107 (san francisco)

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Postby Jim » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:53 pm

I cannot duplicate the problem on 2 of my test store (Manager and Pro version) using the settings in my fedex configuration.(note I can't use your zipcode for the base but I wouldnt' think that would make any difference). I get exactly 4 times the cost of shipping 1 item when I order 4 items.

Please put up a pdf of the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen.
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Postby specimen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:14 pm

I did, I just typed in the wrong URL in the post. It's
Thanks, -d
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Postby Jim » Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:25 pm

I just sent you a private message so check your email
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