Upload question/problem

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Upload question/problem

Postby anglers » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:54 am

Last years version worked fine, this years (8.1.3) not so fine.
The uploads are mixed new products and changes to existing products.
Upload starts just fine..Progress bar for upload goes all black, linking progress bar just sits there doing very little. I never get an "upload complete" indication.

When I check the products in my store, the new products are there, but not assigned to the appropriate page. Therefore I have to manually go in and assign the products. Products with price changes seem to be completed.

My database process:
I download the current store database then I open it with MS Excel. I then change fields that need changed (mostly price updates), add new products, delete no longer carried products, make sure all fields are properly filled, and save. Next I highlight, copy and paste into notepad to create a .txt file. This becomes the file I upload via the upload utility.
Is there anything wrong with this process? Or anything I can do to make it simplar?

I have found on another post, discussion on the use of the "product on page" and the "add to pages" fields. ShopSite help does not really address the correct use of these two fields. What is the difference between them and how should they be used?

In my downloaded database I have found data in the "add to page" field, that I don't remember ever filling in. How does data get into this field?

Am I correct in understanding that as I build my database, if I enter a page name in the "Product on page" field, that product will automatically be assigned to that page, assuming the page has been created?

Thanks for any and all help to a relative newcomer to ShopSite e-commerce.
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Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:17 pm
Location: Colorado

Postby anglers » Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:21 pm

No one wants to comment on this????
Posts: 2
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Location: Colorado

Postby Jim » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:16 pm

The "add to page" field functions the same as the old "In these pages" field in that any pages listed in that field will have the product assigned to it. No page links will be removed simply because they are no longer listed. I.E. this functionality is additive and doesn't delete anything.

The "Product on Pages" is similar in that any pages listed will have the product assigned to it BUT any pages not listed which previously had the product assigned will have the product removed from the page. I.E. This replaces all page assignments for the product.

DO NOT use both fields at the same time in an upload file as it can lead to linking problems. (I.E from the computers perspective --one field says I need to add this product the other says I need to remove it so what do I do?)
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