I have a Custom Page Template called "Custom-Page". It has these 2 variables in it:
[-- VAR.MoreInfoTemplate MoreInfoPage --]
[-- VAR.PageGraphic PAGE.Graphic --]
In Custom-Page I call on the Banner Graphic like this so I can apply the
class "pagelink" from my CSS: <img [-- PAGE.Graphic REMOVE_html --] class="pagelink">
My More Info include template is "MoreInfoPage". This More Info template
calls on the Banner Graphic as follows: [-- VAR.PageGraphic --]
I don't want all the HTML Image Attributes that come with this tag since I
want to apply the CSS class="pagelink" just like in Custom-Page. I tried
these 2 tags, but neither one works:
<img [-- PAGE.Graphic REMOVE_html --] class="pagelink"> (errors on publish)
<img [-- VAR.PageGraphic REMOVE_html --] class="pagelink"> (doesn't show image)
How do I get MoreInfoPage to give me the same result as the Custom-Page page template?