Validation errors

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Validation errors

Postby siegfriedjl » Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:56 am

Hi everyone,

I'm new here...

My aunt has a site using Shopsite version 6.1, and it has started doing something weird - when a user enters their address and credit card information and hits 'submit', a screen comes up to say that the zip code, CC number and expiration date are not correct.

Being a web developer, but knowing nothing about shopping carts, I agreed to look into this for her.

For the CC processing, she's using, and I have spoken with them and they mentioned something about an API ID and a transaction key and said it didnt look like she had a transaction key for the account yet (which is weird b/c she's had the site up for years).

So I went through the steps to generate a transaction key. The person at told me that, at that point, I would need to contact someone from Shopsite to get the transaction key "hooked up" over there.

My question now is... where do I start? I suppose I can call, but I don't know exactly what I'm asking for. And I don't see anything on Shopsite's interface about technical stuff like this - only about your products for order or customizing the interface.

Does anyone have any insight they can offer??

Thanks in advance!
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:24 am

If your version of ShopSite doesn't have a setting field in Commerce Setup -> Payment -> Configure Processor for you to put in the Transaction Key, then you will need to upgrade to a newer version of ShopSite. I'm not sure what version this setting was added in, but I know that it is at least in v6.3 or newer.

Note that as far as I knew you could use the password OR the Transaction Key, I wasn't aware that they were now requiring Transaction Key instead. Perhaps they don't, and they were just pushing you to do something that wasn't necessary. If your aunt was only using the password before, then it's very possible that the only reason it stopped working was that she changed the password on the side but did not update the ShopSite settings with the new password.

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Postby siegfriedjl » Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:16 am

Thanks for the reply, Loren...

Actually, my aunt originally called to try to fix the problem, and they had her change her password, which she didn't want to do.

So... how do I get the new password from on Shopsite? I don't see that option anywhere in the Shopsite control panel...
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Postby loren_d_c » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:31 am

Commerce Setup -> Payment, make sure the radio button option is selected in the Processor section and click Configure Processor.

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Postby siegfriedjl » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:46 am


ok i did that, now i'm getting a different error:


Your order was not processed

There was a problem processing your credit card information.
Please verify that the following were entered correctly:

Zip Code
Card Number
Expiration Date

If you repeatedly see this message, complete your order by contacting the merchant directly.Detailed error message:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 3
Reason Code: 123
Reason: This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request.

Anything else you can think of that I can try before I call someone at Shopsite?
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Validation errors

Postby stitches » Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:34 pm

siegfriedjl wrote:argh...

ok i did that, now i'm getting a different error:


Your order was not processed

There was a problem processing your credit card information.
Please verify that the following were entered correctly:

Zip Code
Card Number
Expiration Date

If you repeatedly see this message, complete your order by contacting the merchant directly.Detailed error message:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 3
Reason Code: 123
Reason: This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request.

Anything else you can think of that I can try before I call someone at Shopsite?

You have to use the API Login ID and the transaction key. They made everyone change logins and passwords.
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Postby siegfriedjl » Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:43 pm

so my only solution would be to upgrade shopsite to the most current version? ugh. that costs $, right?
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Validation errors

Postby stitches » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:01 pm

If you can configure Authorize Net in the cart you have now then I would say no. You just need the correct API Login placed on that page. Your Aunt will have to log into her Authorize Net, click on Account, page down to Security look for the API LOGIN ID that's the login that has to be put in the cart with the password or transaction key for her account. It's not the one she uses to login on a daily's the original one. The Reason code 123 is the incorrect login ID.
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Postby siegfriedjl » Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:07 pm

Ok, I grabbed the API ID from, but there is no place to enter the transaction key. In the password field I put the password had me change to.

Now I get this error, which is the same as when I started:
Your order was not processed

There was a problem processing your credit card information.
Please verify that the following were entered correctly:

Zip Code
Card Number
Expiration Date

If you repeatedly see this message, complete your order by contacting the merchant directly.Detailed error message:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 1
Reason Code: 103
Reason: This transaction cannot be accepted.

Grrr.. what am I doing wrong??
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Validation errors

Postby stitches » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:18 am

I would call Authorize Net again. I called and they can tell what each Reason Code means. The guy I spoke with was great but my cart version is newer then yours as well.
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