Custom Page Template and Custom Product Template

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Custom Page Template and Custom Product Template

Postby autoxen » Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:51 am

Hi there,

I am working on this site.. It's been a challenging project with the learning curve all in one week. I've manage to built my custom template and intergrate the shopsite features. Am am stuck with the following problems.. please help!!.

1. Page Template: My products have subproducts links to them, but I don't want them to show until someone clicks on the Moreinfo Link. Currently it's showing everything.. I only want the item name/picture (moreinfo Link), description, (price, sales prices, stock availability optional)

2. Product Page: Currently using generic template to learn. But when it shows up, I want the product listed at the top (no pricing, just description) I guess having subproducts will remove pricing from it automatically. Then I would like to have four light options shown. I've successfully added the subproducts, but I don't want to have to click on it to show the product info. and images. Is it possible to have all four subproducts(lights) shown with the add cart, image, qnt, and image.

I've been doing trial and error for 4 days, I would really apprecaite some directions from the experts.

Thanks for your review.


Autoxen admin.
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:40 am

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:24 pm

1) Whether or not the subproducts display on the page is not part of the page template at all, it is from the DEFINE PRODUCT section of the product template, which defines how the individual product lays out on the store page. You can leave the LOOP SUBPRODUCTS loop out of this section and no subproducts will display on the page.

2) What product fields display on the More Info Page is also determined by the product template, but in the DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE section. All of the ShopSite default templates will not show the parent product's price and add to cart buttons when the product has subproducts, however this is determined by the template so it doesn't necessarily have to be this way in your custom product template.

2b) How the subproducts display (what fields are shown, images, etc) is defined in the DEFINE SUBPRODUCT section of the product template, so this is where you would add to the data shown for the subproducts.

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Almost there

Postby autoxen » Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:32 pm


What took me four days to figure out, you did it in one email. Thank you for the information. Ok, you knew it was coming.. so there's the onslaught of more questions :P.

I have the uneccessary information removed from the product category page. After I clicked on it, I was able to show the car lights by adding the Include graphic process.. Yea, I'm so proud of myself. Now, how would i be able to organize it so that it lists each item on a separate line. It appears as if there are no breaks lncluded. (I'm gonna try something) Also how would i be able to orange 4 different lights into a table with two row and two columns.

Thanks again for your help!!.

# Generic Product Template with No "View Cart" button

[-- IF VAR.MoreInfoTemplate --]
<div class="Subproduct">
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL BASE --]/order.cgi" method=post>
[-- INCLUDE Product-Graphic PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Subproduct-Name PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Subproduct-Price PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Subproduct-AddToCartButton PROCESS --]<br>
[-- ELSE --]
[-- INCLUDE Product-Graphic PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Subproduct-Name PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Product-Price PROCESS --]
[-- INCLUDE Subproduct-AddToCartButton PROCESS --]
[-- END_IF --]
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:40 am

Product Template

Postby autoxen » Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:44 pm

1. Sorry, I just realized somthing.. when I took out the LOOP SUBPRODUCTS tags, i find that the product only shows the image, item, and description and the ability to allow me to click on the item for more info. I've lost the price, sales price etc.

2. I was exploring another method which was to include my subproduct info in the pulldown menus, it worked well because it allowed me to add the price increase based on the bulb models, but I was not able to show the pictures. So I wish there was a perfect in between for both items.

6000K Crystal White (Little Blue) (add extra $0.00) ; 0
7000K Iceberg Blue (add extra $10.00) ; 10
9000K Ultraviolet Purple (add extra $20.00) ; 20
12000K Extreme Blue (add extra $30.00) ; 30

Here's what my ideal pages should look like.

Ideal look for page layout

Ideal look for product layout

Thanks again.
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:40 am

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