Has Shopsite fixed their Paypal interface yet. About 16 months ago ( Feb 05) Paypal changed their interface to shopping carts. We shopsite users first lost all Paypal ability ( at least I did). After a few days, SS came up with a fix.. Pretty fast response to the initial problem. I really appreciated that.
But part of the PayPal change and the ShopSite response caused SS to hand off customer transations to Paypal and NOT KEEP A COPY OF IT available to us common users.
Then, IF paypal properly completes the transaction, they attempt to hand a flag back to SS. Once SS gets the flag, they miraculously revive the Once Dead order and hand it back to us Users.
The problem happens if Paypal fails. Our customers call 3 weeks later with a Paypal confirmation but we can't find their records in Shopsite. I bet it's still hiding out out there somewhere in /moreips or /ip, but last time I charged the problem SS techsupport told me it wasn't available.
Anyone know if they have fixed it yet..???