I am having a problem using the LOOP ITEMS tag.
I have my pages configured to display products in 3 columns and 6 products per page. It works fine If I use the LOOP Products tag, and if I use the LOOP LINKS tag, or both together.
But if I use the LOOP Items tag, the products are displayed as follows:
Page 1 - All products assigned, no matter how many there are.
Page 2 - The first six assigned products
Page 3 - The first 12 assigned products
Page 4 - The first 18 assigned products
... and so on, until
Last Page - All products except the last ones that are the remained of the total number of products divided by 6. i.e. if there were 28 products assigned, the last apge would show the first 24 and the last 4 would not be displayed.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
Thanks for any help,