Sales tax

General ShopSite user discussion

Sales tax

Postby jgaines » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:39 am

In California, sales tax is applied based on the shipping address, not the billing address. It would be extremely helpful if ShopSite gave me a choice regarding which address should be the basis for charging sales tax. I have a lot of customers who use PayPal, and I always have to go back and charge them separately for the sales is inconvenient, delays finalizing their order, and appears quite unprofessional. Is this improvement in the works for the next version change?
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Postby loren_d_c » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:00 pm

As far as I know, ShopSite's sales tax by zip feature has ALWAYS based the tax on the SHIPPING zip code, not the billing zip code. So it already works as you want it. As for the shopper-selected tax, it is up to the shopper to choose which tax applies to this, and if you feel they are making the wrong choices then you should clarify the text of the tax selection options or switch to taxing by zip.

If you have a problem with PayPal shoppers using a different shipping address in PayPal than they did in ShopSite you have several options, like text in your cart that instructs them that if they are using PayPal to use the same shipping address that they will choose in PayPal, or switch to using PayPal Website Payments Pro Express Checkout (added in v8.0) instead of the standard PayPal method, or there is also an option in the ShopSite config for PayPal labeled 'Allow PayPal shipping address' that if unchecked will keep the shopper from being able to enter/select a separate shipping address in PayPal.

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Postby jgaines » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:49 am

The problem is that the shopping cart system asks the customer for their "Zip/Postal Code", but doesn't specify that the zip code they should enter is for the SHIPPING address. Everyone automatically puts in their billing zip code. Is there a way to change the text preceding the zip code entry box? I use a custom shopping cart template for formatting, but this aspect appears to be built into the shopping cart process. If a customer is in Texas but wants an order shipped to California, most likely they will just enter their Texas zip code (which means they won't be charged sales tax on the order). Likewise, if they are in California, but want the order shipped to Texas, they will be charged sales tax when they enter their California billing zip code. Since it doesn't specify that the zip code they enter should be for the shipping address, the automatic action is to put in their own zip code. It would have been better to have made the ShopSite system automatically calculate sales tax based on the shipping address, without making the customer enter the zip code manually.
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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:24 pm

"Is there a way to change the text preceding the zip code entry box?"

Yes, go to Preferences -> Store Text -> Shopping Cart and find the setting that currently says "Zip/Postal Code" and change it to something else, for example "Ship to Zip/Postal Code" or "Zip/Postal Code of your shipping address".

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Postby jgaines » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:39 pm

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Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:34 am

multiple tax zones

Postby marc » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:03 pm

Sales tax is base on city or county, not necessarily by zip code.
Is there a way to have the tax to be computed on either of those fields?
It would be a much easier up and download of tax info as well as much more manageable for my accountant.
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