Yes, 8.1x was a huge improvement over 8.0.x - I presume due to the SQLite 3 vs 2 issue.
Here's another example of how this issue briefly affected me:
SS still has bugs in their item sort on pages code. For example, if I have a product named aa111 assigned to page 1 and 2, and then I copy product aa111 to create product b111, and assign bb111 to pages 1 and 2, product bb111 is not properly inserted. It should show up on the page after aa111 but before cc111, dd111, etc - but it does not. It is inserted at the end of the page, unsorted - regardless of the sort settings of the page (ascending, descending, etc).
However, if you then edit the page in question by clicking 'edit layout', make no changes, and simply click 'save' at the bottom, a proper resort is triggered and the page is properly sorted at the next publish.
What does this mean to me, functionally? From 6.0.1 and up through the present version, I often created a new product which would be assigned to 20+ pages. Before I published, I needed to get those pages properly sorted to avoid this new product appearing at the bottom. The time-saving solution? Simply highlight all pages, click 'edit layout', and scroll past all the page info and hit 'save' at the bottom. All pages are now forced into a resort at the next publish.
When SS made the change to SQLite 2, I could no longer highlight all 100+ pages of my store and click 'edit layout'. If I highlighted more than three or so, the operation would time out and I got a blank white page in return. With the move to SQLite 3, this time-out issue has been resolved and my quick solution to address SS's flawed item insertion/sort on pages is now available to me again. Woohoo
I'll check with my host to see if there are any load problems on my node. Thanks!