Many Thanks David, sorry I mean when you are in the Shopsite store and you click the red help symbol I get:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Do you have ShopSite Starter, Manager, or Pro? And what ShopSite screen are you on when you click the help button and get that error? Note that different screens go to different help pages, so it may be specific to the screen you were on.
Ah, I bet you have your ShopSite set to the en-GB locale, eh? Try it again.
I think the symbolic links just needed to be created. Potentially the en-GB docs could be different then the en_US docs, but they are not, so the en-GB URLs should just be pointing to the same docs as the en-US.