Link to checkout?

General ShopSite user discussion

Link to checkout?

Postby Randall » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:20 am

I want to put a link directly to Checkout on all pages, analogous to
the following code that goes to the cart.


The Checkout button would be outside the product form, and for now I
want to hard code it (not template generated).

Is this possible? For shoppers who have already viewed their cart and
made no more selections, it would bring them one step closer to
ordering, and maybe more importantly, it provides a visual impulse to
complete the sale.

If it's possible, I assume SC will ask them to enter their zip and
calculate total if they haven't done so yet?

If it's not possible, I realize I could just make the button go to the
cart, but I'd want to put an intermediate page in between or it would
look kind of silly. Maybe a friendly reminder (e.g.: "To check out,
please confirm your tax location on the next page, recalculate if
necessary, then click "Checkout" at the bottom of the page.") or a
special offer. Then I'd use the above View Cart code again as a
"continue" button.

Other suggestion?

Re: Link to checkout?

Postby Jim » Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:32 am

The view cart is an "a href" so it could go anywhere, but you probably
need the full url to the shopping cart directory and not just
"/cgi-bin/ss ..." so something like

The reason is that the cgi-bin directory is not usually in the store's
output directory so a relative reference to it may not work.

You can get the html needed for this using the OrderAnywhere feature in
the store's backoffice.


Randall wrote:
I want to put a link directly to Checkout on all pages, analogous to
the following code that goes to the cart.


The Checkout button would be outside the product form, and for now I
want to hard code it (not template generated).

Is this possible? For shoppers who have already viewed their cart and
made no more selections, it would bring them one step closer to
ordering, and maybe more importantly, it provides a visual impulse to
complete the sale.

If it's possible, I assume SC will ask them to enter their zip and
calculate total if they haven't done so yet?

If it's not possible, I realize I could just make the button go to the
cart, but I'd want to put an intermediate page in between or it would
look kind of silly. Maybe a friendly reminder (e.g.: "To check out,
please confirm your tax location on the next page, recalculate if
necessary, then click "Checkout" at the bottom of the page.") or a
special offer. Then I'd use the above View Cart code again as a
"continue" button.

Other suggestion?


Re: Link to checkout?

Postby Randall » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:39 pm

You are probably more familiar with it than I, but offhand, I'd think
the path to the store's output directory would be irrelevant in
running a cgi program by hardcoded HTML, at least as far as finding
the cgi goes. Anyway, I picked up the example code from the May 5
thread titled "Return to Shopping Cart page" and it seems to work.

More to my original question, is there a comparable way to link to the
checkout page, rather than to the cart? The HTML provided by the Order
Anywhere feature doesn't include a link to checkout, and even if it
did, that code assumes it's within a form.

I'm not very hopeful about this, considering that, when the buttons
are text-based, Order Anywhere gives 'name="checkout"' for
'value="[View Cart]"'.

Re: Link to checkout?

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:51 pm

No, you can't go to the Checkout screen without going through the
initial Shopping Cart screen.


Randall wrote:
You are probably more familiar with it than I, but offhand, I'd think
the path to the store's output directory would be irrelevant in
running a cgi program by hardcoded HTML, at least as far as finding
the cgi goes. Anyway, I picked up the example code from the May 5
thread titled "Return to Shopping Cart page" and it seems to work.

More to my original question, is there a comparable way to link to the
checkout page, rather than to the cart? The HTML provided by the Order
Anywhere feature doesn't include a link to checkout, and even if it
did, that code assumes it's within a form.

I'm not very hopeful about this, considering that, when the buttons
are text-based, Order Anywhere gives 'name="checkout"' for
'value="[View Cart]"'.

Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Link to checkout?

Postby Randall » Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:22 pm

Okay, thanks. Looks like if I want a "checkout" button everywhere, and
I do, I'll just make a special page, and if possible put the cart on

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