Froogle Data Feed & Sitemaps

General ShopSite user discussion

Froogle Data Feed & Sitemaps

Postby Larry Bohen » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:25 am

I just sent an enhancement request to ShopSite using their form at to enhance the next
version of ShopSite with the ability to publish and submit Froogle type data
feeds and sitemaps.

Being able to publish and submit sitemaps and data feeds from within
ShopSite (IMO) would be a major benefit.

I urge anyone else to submit this request to ShopSite. The more of us who
want it, the more likely it will get implemented.

Larry Bohen
Larry Bohen

Re: Froogle Data Feed & Sitemaps

Postby Webmaster - Dave's Discou » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:15 pm

I agree 100%. Submitted!

"Larry Bohen" <> wrote in message
I just sent an enhancement request to ShopSite using their form at to enhance the next
version of ShopSite with the ability to publish and submit Froogle type
data feeds and sitemaps.

Being able to publish and submit sitemaps and data feeds from within
ShopSite (IMO) would be a major benefit.

I urge anyone else to submit this request to ShopSite. The more of us who
want it, the more likely it will get implemented.

Larry Bohen
Webmaster - Dave's Discou

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