Could this be the problem?
A college student told us that she returned to the same library
computer to find that most of her personal info remained on the machine
for days after she placed an order. Fortunately, CC info wasn't there.
Recently, while on vacation, I placed a test order from a university
machine. Same thing happened. I asked the librarian about it and
she immediately provided a "log off" procedure to erase the cache. She
was well aware of the problem and the cure. I've seen some public
machines that warn about this risk.
I gather the security risk is small. We only had the one complaint.
Public machines should probably erase their cache between users, but
I'm not sure many do. Reducing the cookie duration will help and that's
one step we took.
Jeff at
Ackley Uniforms
"Paul Perris" <> wrote in message
I had a complaint/log from a customer that he was about to place an order
with us when at the checkout page he
was presented with another customer previous details.
Could you please advise if I reduce the number of days to keep the cart
help resolve this happening in the furture?
I am thinking of a Data Protection problem?