Page for Each Product

General ShopSite user discussion

Page for Each Product

Postby Craig » Mon May 01, 2006 6:57 am


I would like to have a separate page for each product so each product
has it's own Page Title, Meta Keywords and Description, etc. to optimize
for the search engines.

Is it better to create a more info template to do this or create a
separate page for each of the products?


Re: Page for Each Product

Postby Rick Steven » Mon May 01, 2006 8:14 am

Hi Craig,

A more info page seems to be made just for this purpose.


"Craig" <> wrote in message

I would like to have a separate page for each product so each product has
it's own Page Title, Meta Keywords and Description, etc. to optimize for
the search engines.

Is it better to create a more info template to do this or create a
separate page for each of the products?

Rick Steven

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