I am using Shopsite Pro version 8. I understand that Shopsite has prevented
gift certificate PIN numbers from showing in the merchant's emails to
protect customers from merchant empolyees and that is fine. In the gift
certificate download, however, I need access to those though regardless of
mail or email choice. I am forced instead to make them all mail with no
choice for the customer. I don't want to manually have to email them
everyday and I can't use the auto-email either. (Message display bug and the
fact that I don't bill automatically.) I manage orders in my own system
anyway so - no problem - I'll send the emails myself as they get billed.
Then I can print them if I need to also. To do this I need full access to
the gift certificate data. Thanks for any help.
Calling all squeaky wheels:
I submitted this enhancement request and was told that the more requests the
more they will consider the upgrade. Anyone else who feels this should be
fixed can do the same I think.