maximum variable pricing

General ShopSite user discussion

maximum variable pricing

Postby Bruce » Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:00 pm

I am trying to set up the store for donations. I want to set up
different tiers of donations with a minimum and maximum variable
pricing. Basically one product would be a donation of $50 to $99 the
next would be $100 to $149 etc.. I know that the minimum variable
pricing can be set but how, if possible, can I set the maximum variable


Re: maximum variable pricing

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:35 pm


There is no ShopSite maximum setting for a variable price product. You
could use custom JavaScript function on the page where you have the
price entry fields, though. Your JavaScript function can be called when
the submit button is pressed and make sure that the field contains a
price in the range you want to allow before the product can be added to
the cart.

If you have hundreds of these products it might get tedious to do the
JavaScript for each product (unless you work it into a custom product
template), but for less than 10 it shouldn't be difficult.


Bruce wrote:
I am trying to set up the store for donations. I want to set up
different tiers of donations with a minimum and maximum variable
pricing. Basically one product would be a donation of $50 to $99 the
next would be $100 to $149 etc.. I know that the minimum variable
pricing can be set but how, if possible, can I set the maximum variable

Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: maximum variable pricing

Postby Bruce » Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:29 pm

Thanks Loren

Loren wrote:

There is no ShopSite maximum setting for a variable price product. You
could use custom JavaScript function on the page where you have the
price entry fields, though. Your JavaScript function can be called when
the submit button is pressed and make sure that the field contains a
price in the range you want to allow before the product can be added to
the cart.

If you have hundreds of these products it might get tedious to do the
JavaScript for each product (unless you work it into a custom product
template), but for less than 10 it shouldn't be difficult.


Bruce wrote:

I am trying to set up the store for donations. I want to set up
different tiers of donations with a minimum and maximum variable
pricing. Basically one product would be a donation of $50 to $99 the
next would be $100 to $149 etc.. I know that the minimum variable
pricing can be set but how, if possible, can I set the maximum
variable price?


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