I tried it last night before I replied and stuff on my page wrapped just
fine. I made a few tweaks to the template and now it all goes across the
screen as on your page. Don't know what I had done to make it wrap but
that is how it was working for both the Graphic over Text and [--
order_option_menu line --] option. Looking at the code there is a
td></td> around each select statement so maybe it can't be made to wrap.
Webmaster - Dave's Discount Motors wrote:
Hmmm, then can you explain why the order options are not wrapping here:
http://www.davesmotors.com/store/product1187.htmlbut extend out on one line, regardless of browser window size, etc?
I'm using [order_option_menu line] here.
Also, if someone has a simpler way than creating a new custom template to
get some javascript into the head section of moreinfo pages, I'm all ears
"jim" <jstavast@xmission.com> wrote in message
The wrap you see is caused by the browser trying to place all the
options into the allotted space. If the window or table width were
sufficiently wide they would all be on one line.
The [-- order_option_menu line --] style is what would have been used in
the Graphic Over Text template. The column option was added when custom
templates were implemented (version 6?). So it would not have been
possible in early version of ShopSite that used the C based Graphic Over
Text template.
Webmaster - Dave's Discount Motors wrote:
Thanks, veyr helpful.
Alright, I'm clicking along. Created a couple customized include files,
and making progress. Learned a ton already. This scripting setup is
pretty darn powerful and looks like you can create pretty much anything
under the sun. Next question:
When using Graphic Over Text, the ordering options are not hard-set all
on one line, or all in a column - they wrap to fill the available
space. This is the behavior I am after, but in the documentation I only
see LINE and COLUMN as possibilities for the ORDER_OPTION_MENU tag.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
"Loren" <loren_d_c@yahoo.com> wrote in message
As you have probably noticed, the DefaultCustomProductTemplate uses
includes for pretty much everything. The particular include used to
create the add to cart form, that includes the pull-down menus, is
Product-AddToCartButton. You can copy this include with the Copy
ShopSite Includes function at the bottom of Merchandising -> Custom
Templates. In this include, find the [-- ORDER_OPTION_MENU LINE --]
tag and change it to [-- ORDER_OPTION_MENU COLUMN --].
Use your new customized copy of this include in your customized copy
of the DefaultCustomProductTemplate instead of the
Product-AddToCartButton include.
Webmaster - Dave's Discount Motors wrote:
OK, I'm getting started. Got the relevant code inserted.
First layout problem I found:
Ordering options are all on one line, instead of wrapping:
www.davesmotors.com/store/gopeds.html (what should be happening)
www.davesmotors.com/store/testpage.html (what is happening; product
a1 uses the new template which does not wrap properly).
"Loren" <loren_d_c@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Some of the very old/original page and product templates are not in
the custom template language, so they cannot be copied and edited.
All of those non-copyable product templates used the same More Info
Page layout, and the copyable DefaultCustomProductTemplate is a
look-alike template for the non-copyable Default Product Template,
so it should have more or less the same More Info Page layout as the
Graphic over text product template.
Webmaster - Dave's Discount Motors wrote:
I'm making my first foray into custom templates.
Right now I'm using the simple 'Graphic over text' layout, which
appears to be compiled and hence unavailable as a template
(rounded, sidebar, tab, awesome orange, etc are the ones with
actual template files)
Starting very simple - all I want to do is write some data between
the <head> and </head> tags on the moreinfo pages for my products.
I want everything else to stay the same.
From looking at the help and example files, I've found this:
title>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</title
****my stuff will go here***
So my question is:
Where do I need to put this? If 'graphic over text' were an actual
template file, it would be easy to insert it in the correct place,
directly after the [-- END_DEFINE PRODUCT --].
Do I need to create an entire custom template that simply
implements the 'graphic over text' as compiled? Hope not...
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.