You can set the file name for the moreinfo pages when the product is
created on the Add a Product screen or later on the Edit Product Info
screen. The field is in the section "More Info Pages" and labeled "More
Info Page File Name: optional" If no filename is specified then
ShopSite uses the product record number as in your case product53 with a
..html extension.
Note that if your store has been active for a while these pages will
probably have been indexed so changing the name could affect your search
engine standings. If the store is fairly new it probably won't make
much difference. Also changing the name after the page has been created
with the productxx.html name will result in that page remaining on the
server and the new page with the name you specified being created. So
you would have 2 similar pages but the productxx.html would be orphened
and you would need to remove it manually through ftp or telnet to the
server. If the original page remains it may contain out of date
information when you update your product information.
Jay Guliano wrote:
I am negotiating with Gagglebyte to write a program that will create
uploads for several comparison shopping sites like Froogle. They are asking
me why the More Info pages have names like . Apparently it is a problem with
what they propose to do. Since Shop Site creates these detail pages it also
creates the names for them even though we have titles for those same pages
that match the product description. Is there a way to set the back office so
detail pages use the description or page name as the html page name?