The From and Reply To fields in the order notification e-mail do have the
shopper's information so that the merchant could easily reply to them.
However, that e-mail is generated on your server so if the Fax Service can
recognize e-mail from a certain domain or IP then it could work.
Another solution would be to have the order notification go to an e-mail
service like yahoo or gmail and then have it automatically forwarded from
there. Then the fax service could be configure to recognize that e-mail
-Davd H.
"Loren" <> wrote in message
If you're fairly technical and have full control over your own UNIX-based
server you could set up your own email-to-fax service using an opensource
fax server package like HylaFax. far as existing services out there that do this kind of thing, I don't
know of any, but you could search Google for something like 'email-to-fax
Lori wrote:
I'm very new here. I have a customer who wants to have their orders
faxed to them. I've looked at a bunch of email-to-fax products out
there, but they all require that you "register" the emails from which
you will be sending. When the shopsite order is sent, it is actually
sent from the email address of the person ordering. So I don't have
anything to register. I need a workaround here, so it shows that it gets
sent from a specific email address. Or another product. Any help here?