Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

General ShopSite user discussion

Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby Chris » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:26 pm


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?




Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:30 pm

Nothing has changed in regards to OrderAnywhere in v8.0 from v7.1, at
least that I am aware of. So either he is doing something differently of
has different settings in his HTML editor. OrderAnywhere still has a
'Show Selected Links' and 'Show Selected HTML' functions like it has
always had. My guess is that for drag-and-drop type functionality you
would use the 'Show Selected Links' function so that you can see the
order button(s) and drag them into your WYSIWYG editor.


Chris wrote:

Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?



Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:34 pm


The drag-and-drop functionality is not a function of ShopSite, it is a
function of the text editor. All ShopSite is doing is displaying the
link as it would be displayed on an HTML page. There is nothing special
being done other than this, and nothing that ShopSite could have done
that would have effected the drag-and-drop method you were using with
your HTML editor.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) try a different browser, 2) try
it on a different computer, and 3) try it with a different HTML editor.


Chris wrote:
To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?




Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby Chris » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:40 pm

To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?




Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby Chris » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:18 am

This is his reply:

"> The database product text used to show up as default blue underlined hot
links (in my browser), and I would drag the hot linked text from my browser
to the order button in my HTML editor, and VIOLA, like magic, the order
button graphic would now be linked to the correct product in the database.
Now, the database product text shown in my browser is not NOT HOTLINKED.

When I drag the order button GRAPHIC in my browser (for the database
product) to the order button in my HTML editor, it does not link the button
to the product in the database."

It sounds to me like he was using the "Show HTML" feature before....as I recall,
it used to just show a link but now it puts the whole string in a text field, but
I'm pretty sure this changed PRIOR to version 8.0--he insists the change just
occurred now. Note: I had changed the setup to "Show Graphic" for order links as
I thought that's what he was talking about. However, I have changed I back to
"show text". However, the text it shows in the "Show Links" page is the word
[Order], not the product text like he's talking about.

Any thoughts?


Loren wrote:


The drag-and-drop functionality is not a function of ShopSite, it is a
function of the text editor. All ShopSite is doing is displaying the
link as it would be displayed on an HTML page. There is nothing special
being done other than this, and nothing that ShopSite could have done
that would have effected the drag-and-drop method you were using with
your HTML editor.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) try a different browser, 2) try
it on a different computer, and 3) try it with a different HTML editor.


Chris wrote:
To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?





Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby Chris » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:34 am

I bet this is what he means:
OrderAnywhere HTML

Copy the text between the dashed lines (-----).

PRODUCT: C1001 -- Can$8.51
to Cart]</a>

I got this from an old version of Shopsite (version 5.? Manager) in another store I
have access to. The html string that used to appear here like this now appears in a
text box. But, I KNOW this change prior to version 8, didn't it?

Chris wrote:

This is his reply:

"> The database product text used to show up as default blue underlined hot
links (in my browser), and I would drag the hot linked text from my browser
to the order button in my HTML editor, and VIOLA, like magic, the order
button graphic would now be linked to the correct product in the database.
Now, the database product text shown in my browser is not NOT HOTLINKED.

When I drag the order button GRAPHIC in my browser (for the database
product) to the order button in my HTML editor, it does not link the button
to the product in the database."

It sounds to me like he was using the "Show HTML" feature before....as I recall,
it used to just show a link but now it puts the whole string in a text field, but
I'm pretty sure this changed PRIOR to version 8.0--he insists the change just
occurred now. Note: I had changed the setup to "Show Graphic" for order links as
I thought that's what he was talking about. However, I have changed I back to
"show text". However, the text it shows in the "Show Links" page is the word
[Order], not the product text like he's talking about.

Any thoughts?


Loren wrote:


The drag-and-drop functionality is not a function of ShopSite, it is a
function of the text editor. All ShopSite is doing is displaying the
link as it would be displayed on an HTML page. There is nothing special
being done other than this, and nothing that ShopSite could have done
that would have effected the drag-and-drop method you were using with
your HTML editor.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) try a different browser, 2) try
it on a different computer, and 3) try it with a different HTML editor.


Chris wrote:
To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?





Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:17 am

Actually it sounds like he was using 'Show Selected Links'.

The 'Show Selected HTML' function has always shown the raw HTML of the
button, not a blue-underlined 'hot link'. In v7 the Show HTML changed to
show the raw HTML in a text area instead of just on the page because the
other way was causing some people to not get the correct HTML when
cutting-and-pasting (different than dragging-and-dropping).

However, since this is not what your designer is talking about, then the
problem is likely because you changed the products to use a graphic for
the order button instead of text. The product text (AKA Product
Description) has never been part of the OrderAnywhere function. So I
imagine the text link '[Order]' is what he had before and perhaps needs
now in order to impose the order link onto his own images in his HTML


Chris wrote:
This is his reply:

"> The database product text used to show up as default blue underlined hot

links (in my browser), and I would drag the hot linked text from my browser
to the order button in my HTML editor, and VIOLA, like magic, the order
button graphic would now be linked to the correct product in the database.
Now, the database product text shown in my browser is not NOT HOTLINKED.

When I drag the order button GRAPHIC in my browser (for the database
product) to the order button in my HTML editor, it does not link the button
to the product in the database."

It sounds to me like he was using the "Show HTML" feature before....as I recall,
it used to just show a link but now it puts the whole string in a text field, but
I'm pretty sure this changed PRIOR to version 8.0--he insists the change just
occurred now. Note: I had changed the setup to "Show Graphic" for order links as
I thought that's what he was talking about. However, I have changed I back to
"show text". However, the text it shows in the "Show Links" page is the word
[Order], not the product text like he's talking about.

Any thoughts?


Loren wrote:


The drag-and-drop functionality is not a function of ShopSite, it is a
function of the text editor. All ShopSite is doing is displaying the
link as it would be displayed on an HTML page. There is nothing special
being done other than this, and nothing that ShopSite could have done
that would have effected the drag-and-drop method you were using with
your HTML editor.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) try a different browser, 2) try
it on a different computer, and 3) try it with a different HTML editor.


Chris wrote:

To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?




Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Drag and Drop Order buttons for Order Anywhere

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:18 am

Yes, this had changed already back in v7.


Chris wrote:
I bet this is what he means:
OrderAnywhere HTML

Copy the text between the dashed lines (-----).

PRODUCT: C1001 -- Can$8.51
to Cart]</a

I got this from an old version of Shopsite (version 5.? Manager) in another store I
have access to. The html string that used to appear here like this now appears in a
text box. But, I KNOW this change prior to version 8, didn't it?

Chris wrote:

This is his reply:

"> The database product text used to show up as default blue underlined hot

links (in my browser), and I would drag the hot linked text from my browser
to the order button in my HTML editor, and VIOLA, like magic, the order
button graphic would now be linked to the correct product in the database.
Now, the database product text shown in my browser is not NOT HOTLINKED.

When I drag the order button GRAPHIC in my browser (for the database
product) to the order button in my HTML editor, it does not link the button
to the product in the database."

It sounds to me like he was using the "Show HTML" feature before....as I recall,
it used to just show a link but now it puts the whole string in a text field, but
I'm pretty sure this changed PRIOR to version 8.0--he insists the change just
occurred now. Note: I had changed the setup to "Show Graphic" for order links as
I thought that's what he was talking about. However, I have changed I back to
"show text". However, the text it shows in the "Show Links" page is the word
[Order], not the product text like he's talking about.

Any thoughts?


Loren wrote:


The drag-and-drop functionality is not a function of ShopSite, it is a
function of the text editor. All ShopSite is doing is displaying the
link as it would be displayed on an HTML page. There is nothing special
being done other than this, and nothing that ShopSite could have done
that would have effected the drag-and-drop method you were using with
your HTML editor.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) try a different browser, 2) try
it on a different computer, and 3) try it with a different HTML editor.


Chris wrote:

To clarify,

I know there are still 2 options on the Merchandising--Order Anywhere page:
"Show Links and "Show HTML". However, even when I "show links" and try to
drag the image, it pastes the text of the hyperlink code into my page in my
web editor, NOT the image button.

Please advise.



Chris wrote:


Our web designer used to be able to drag and drop "Order" buttons from
the "Merchandising--Order Anywhere" page directly into the WYSIWYG
webpage editor he uses (Adobe GoLive, I believe it was last I checked).
Now, with Shopsite Pro version 8.0, that option appears to be gone. The
only option appears to be viewing the HTML and copying the code into the
HTML editor.

He's not pleased. Can someone help?




Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

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