The email sent with the Tell a Friend feature has the following Subject:
Great ideas from [store name]
I assume (hope) that this text is customizable? (I don't see it in the Store Text
or in the Tell a Friend template.)
- dc
The email sent with the Tell a Friend feature has the following Subject:
Great ideas from [store name]
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 00:29:05 -0700, Don Lundell <> wrote:
The email sent with the Tell a Friend feature has the following Subject:
Great ideas from [store name]
By that I mean literally "[store name]" not the name of my store (which
is what
I'd like to be able to change it to).
- dc
Look on the Merchandising > Tell a Friend screen. All (at least the
biggert % if not all) the text for this feature are on that screen.
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