Gift Certificate template: [-- TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_LINK --]

General ShopSite user discussion

Gift Certificate template: [-- TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_LINK --]

Postby Don Lundell » Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:15 am

Where is [-- TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_LINK --] defined.

It shows as the link to the page with the text "Link to Page".
Not ideal text for describing the link (sounds like a command,
and not a noun), so I'd like to change it. However, I don't see
the text in the Tell a Friend's Store Text.

I can build the entire <a href line I suppose, but it would be
cleaner to replace the text for that define, as it's used a few
times in the gc template.


- dc
Don Lundell

Re: Gift Certificate template: [-- TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_LINK --]

Postby Don Lundell » Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:26 am

Where is [-- TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_LINK --] defined.

It shows as the link to the page with the text "Link to Page".
Not ideal text for describing the link (sounds like a command,
and not a noun), so I'd like to change it. However, I don't see
the text in the Tell a Friend's Store Text.

I can build the entire <a href line I suppose, but it would be
cleaner to replace the text for that define, as it's used a few
times in the gc template.

Never mind - I found it (it's in the Tell a Friend configuration).

One problem with it still is that the text is used as the text for
the <a href and for the argument to the cgi -- it ends up in the
Friend's email. The solution I guess is to define the text the
way you want it to read in the recipient's email, and replace it
in the <a href text. For example, you might want your web page
to read <a href=somewhere>Tell a friend about this page</a> but
you wouldn't want "Tell a friend about this page" to be in the
recipient's email.

So... there really should be two separate text items.

(And I meant to say tellfriend not gc template above - I've had
gift certificate templates on the brain all evening.)

- dc
Don Lundell

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