Thanks for your help Loren. I did this and it basically said "Payment
Processing Error, Your order was not processed, There was a problem
processing your credit card information., etc." which is fine, however I'd
like to add some text with instructions to call the merchant and a phone
number. The page that it points to is thankyou.cgi. Does anyone know if
there is a way to edit this page like you can edit the thank you page after
a successful transaction?
"Loren" <> wrote in message
Try ordering using a Visa number of 4111 1111 1111 1111 and any valid
expiration date. If your account is in Test mode then this
card number will work, but if your account is in Live
mode, then of course it will be rejected.
Infinite Art wrote:
I know what happens when a credit card is authorized but now my client
to know what happens if a credit card is declined? Does Shopsite display
message to the user on the web? Do they get a "declined" e-mail or does
merchant? Any help would be most appreciated, I have searched the web
these answers and all I've been able to find is "ShopSite displays a
to the customer if the transaction was authorized, or a "problem"
message if
declined." but I have no idea what this problem message looks like or
happens in this event. I am using ShopSite Pro 7.1 and Authorize.Net.