Add to Cart Image Question

General ShopSite user discussion

Add to Cart Image Question

Postby Tronix » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:25 pm

Sorry, I've been coming up with all these questions lately..

I'm using the built in "tabs" template (slightly modified). Now I want to
make specific products "Pre-Order" products, by showing a different image
other then the template's "Add to Cart" (Burgendy) gif that was assigned to
all products.

I made my own Pre-Order image, which is uniform to the standard template
button. I took a product, and using the power edit, assigned the new image,
but the standard template "Add to Cart" button is still there after

Is there any way to have a different image on specific items in place of the
"Add to Cart" - or am I tied down to this exclusively - due to the fact it's
all part of the template set?

Thank you

Re: Add to Cart Image Question

Postby jim » Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:04 pm

No problem on asking all the questions. That is what this forum is for.
See the comment from Nikolaus who has been using ShopSite for 6 years
and learned something new because of your question.

The Tab template uses a set image for the add to cart and does not use
the setting from the product which can be set in a Pro level store. If
you want to use a special image you have 2 choices.
1. Make 2 separate product templates and assign a different button to
each. Then assign pre-order product the one template and the regular
products the other.
2. Edit the product template and change the way the add to cart buttons
are selected to use the products setting instead of the canned one for
the template. Then change your products to use the appropriate add to
cart button.


Tronix wrote:
Sorry, I've been coming up with all these questions lately..

I'm using the built in "tabs" template (slightly modified). Now I want to
make specific products "Pre-Order" products, by showing a different image
other then the template's "Add to Cart" (Burgendy) gif that was assigned to
all products.

I made my own Pre-Order image, which is uniform to the standard template
button. I took a product, and using the power edit, assigned the new image,
but the standard template "Add to Cart" button is still there after

Is there any way to have a different image on specific items in place of the
"Add to Cart" - or am I tied down to this exclusively - due to the fact it's
all part of the template set?

Thank you


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