by Nikolaus Gruchot » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:59 am
Hi Don,
-> Merchandising -> Custom Templates -> Shopping Cart Template
If you do not have your own shopping cart template yet, copy the shopsite
sc_default template and name it with a new name. Then edit the file.
At the end of the file there is a section [-- DEFINE ThankYou_Email --]
You will need to activate your own shopping cart template here -> Commerce
Setup -> Order System -> Layout Info -> Shopping Cart Template in order to
make shopsite use you template file and display the changes that you made to
your sc template.
Best regards from Germany,
"Don Lundell" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Where is the template for the order email receipt?
I need to change the css for that email (isn't displaying because of a color
I believe it's using sc_thankyouemail.css - is that correct? I can modify
file directly, but I'd rather use the template/include mechanism through the
So if someone could tell me where the template is that includes that css
files, I'd
appreciate it.
- dc