I second that! Would make life a lot easier.
It would help also big time, if you could add the following functionality in
the Customer Registration in the back office.
Current display in V 7.x.x
Doe, John j.doe @ domain.com
Doe, Jane jane.d @ domain2.com
It would be helpful to display like this:
Doe, John j.doe @ domain.com (2; Groupname)
LOCKED Doe, Jane jane.d @ domain2.com (0, <none>)
-> the number should indicate the number of orders stored in the profile,
groupname is obvious.
-> LOCKED and maybe changing the font color in this line to red would help
to keep these ******** out
My most favorite ******* user that registered:
kim, hong wook
pig97@hanmail.netI would really like to be able to see the locked status right away.
Another thing that would make life easy and goes in the same direction as
Jeff is pointing:
Add a functionality where customer groups run automatically:
-> 0 orders = Group <none>
-> 1-3 orders = autoamtic assignment to "Customer with 0-3 orders"
-> 4-10 orders => automatic assignment to "Customer with 4-10 orders"
-> 10-50 orders => automatic assignment to "Customer with 10-50 orders"
The group name should then be included in the ->order display (and in the
download file). This would make it a lot easier to resognize recurring
customers and/or to run promotions and coupons for different customer
levels. Everybody has those very special recurring customers one feels good
to give additional benefits, n'est-ce pas?!
Best regards,
"Jeff Singer" <info@ackley-uniforms.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Thanks Loren:
Would seem that it would be easy for Shopsite to flag orders from
registered repeat customers. Consider adding that feature down the
Jeff at
Loren wrote:
There is no feature that specifically tells you this on the order,
however you can download the orders in a tab-delimited format and load
them in a spreadsheet and sort them by whatever column you would like
that you think will tell you it was a repeat customer (some field like
name, email address, or zip code perhaps).
Jeff Singer wrote:
Surely I must be overlooking something. (I'm new to Shopsite)
Is there an easy way to know whether an order comes from someone who
previously bought from us? Is there a way to know whether the customer
who placed the order is a registered user of our cart?
For security purposes we scrutinize new customers more than repeat