Customer Registration Template SHRINE Modification

General ShopSite user discussion

Customer Registration Template SHRINE Modification

Postby Luis Ramos » Tue May 03, 2005 10:41 am

Hello fellow Shopsite users,
Our business model, requires that Every Customer choses a SHRINE where we
would later send 10% of their generated sales as a Charity Donation.
I managed to modify the cr_default, so that I display a question as to the
Shrine, and then, the customer presses the ARROW key of a Box, that displays
ALL Shrines available, where we can select one.

It is NOT CLEAR to me, however, a way to SAVE this information, so that,
later on, a customer may change his/her SHRINE to a different one.

I would also like to Create a Report, every month, as to How Much Business
each SHRINE generates, in order to send them a check of 10% of the Sales.

At this point, I would like to know what further mods do I need to apply to
What follows is a copy of the modified version of cr_default and my
modification is clearly marked (My question is HOW DO I SAVE THIS INFO WHERE

### Registration and Sign In ###

### New Customer Registration Page ###
[-- DEFINE New_Registration --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- VAR.Title STORE.NewRegistration --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<table align="center" cellspacing="10">
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Name --]
<td align="left">
What is your Shrine? <font color=blue>*</font>
<select name="Shrine_ID">
<option value="None">None</option>
<option value="Mahi">Mahi</option>
<option value="Egypt">Egypt</option>
<option value="Bahia">Bahia</option>
<option value="Amara">Amara</option>
<option value="Fez">Fez</option>
<option value="Alohomora">Alohomora</option>
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email_Password --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Challenge --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_email_type --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Save_Payment --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE New_Registration --]

### Registered Customer Sign-In Page ###
[-- DEFINE Sign_In --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SignIn --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.UseSignInEmail --]</p>

[-- CR_Signin_Email_Password --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON SignIn --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_In --]

### Sign Out "Are you sure?" Page ###
[-- DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SignOutConfirmation --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.SignOut? --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON No --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --]

### Customer Account ###

### Main View/Edit Page with Buttons ###
[-- DEFINE View_Edit --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.AccountInformation --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<div class="cust_name">[-- CR_CUSTOMER_NAME --]</div>

<p>[-- STORE.ViewInformation --]</p>

<table class="view_edit">
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Orders --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Preferences --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON ShipTo --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Payment --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Password --]</td>
<td class="view_edit"> </td>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE View_Edit --]

### Preferences Page ###
[-- DEFINE Preferences --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.Preferences --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<table align="center" cellspacing="10" width="600">
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email --]
<td align="left">
[-- STORE.EmailSecurity --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Name --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email_Type --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Save_Payment --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Preferences --]

### Change Password ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditPassword --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

[-- CR_Edit_Password --]

<p>[-- BUTTON Change_Password --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

<h2>[-- STORE.ChallengeQuestion --]</h2>

<p>[-- STORE.ChangeChallengeText --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Password --]

### Change Challenge Phrase ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Challenge --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditChallenge --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.EditChallengeText --]</p>

[-- CR_Edit_Challenge --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON
Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Challenge --]

### Set Password ###
[-- DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SetAnswerPassword --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p><b>[-- STORE.EnterNewPassword --]</b></p>

[-- CR_Password --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --]

### Payment Accounts ###

### List of Payment Accounts ###
[-- DEFINE Payment_Accounts --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.PaymentAccounts --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.PaymentText --]</p>

<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Payment_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON Edit --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]

<p>[-- STORE.PaymentAdd --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Payment_Accounts --]

### Edit One Payment Account ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditPaymentAccount --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<table width="470">
<td align="center"><b>[-- STORE.DisplayName --]:</b> [--
CR_DisplayName --]</td>
<td>[-- STORE.EditPaymentText --]</td>

<h2>[-- STORE.EditPaymentInformation --]</h2>

[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Info --]

<h2>[-- STORE.EditPaymentBilling --]</h2>

[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Address --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --]

### Delete Payment Account ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeletePaymentAccount --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.DeletePaymentText --]</p>

<p><b>[-- CR_Delete_Payment --]</b></p>

<p>[-- STORE.DeletePaymentNote --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON No --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --]

### Orders ###

### List of Orders ###
[-- DEFINE Orders --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.Orders --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.OrdersText --]</p>

<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Order_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON View --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]</td>

<p>[-- STORE.OrdersNote --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Orders --]

### View Order ###
[-- DEFINE View_Order --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ViewOrder --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<table cellspacing="10" style="border: thin black solid">
<td align="left"><b>[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] [--
CR_OrderNum --]</b></td>
<td align="right"><b>[-- CR_OrderDate --]</b></td>
<td colspan="2">
[-- CR_Cart --]
<td colspan="2">
[-- CR_Totals --]
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr width="90%"></td></tr>

<td colspan="2">

<td align="center" colspan="2">
<td align="left" valign="top">[-- CR_BillTo_Addr --]</td>
<td width="40px">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" valign="top">[-- CR_ShipTo_Addr --]</td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr width="90%"></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
[-- CR_Payment_Info --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE View_Order --]

### Delete Order ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Order --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeleteOrder --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.DeleteOrderText --]</p>

[-- CR_Delete_Order_List --]

<p>[-- STORE.OrdersNote --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON No --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Order --]

### Shipping Addresses ###

### List of Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Shipping_Options --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ShippingOptions --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsText --]</p>

<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Shipping_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON Edit --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]</td>

<p>[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsNote --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping_Options --]

### Edit Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Shipping --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditShipping --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<table width="470">
<td align="center"><b>[-- STORE.DisplayName --]:</b> [--
CR_Ship_DisplayName --]</td>
<td align="center">[-- STORE.EditShippingText --]</td>

<h2>[-- STORE.SC_ShippingAddress --]</h2>

[-- CR_Edit_Shipping_Address --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Shipping --]

### Delete Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Shipping --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeleteShipping --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.DeleteShippingText --]</p>

<p><b>[-- CR_Delete_Shipping --]</b></p>

<p>[-- STORE.DeleteShippingNote --]</p>

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON No --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Shipping --]

### Forgot Password ###

### Forgot Password Page ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title Store.ForgotPassword --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.RequestPassword --]</p>

[-- CR_Email --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password --]

### Forgot Password "E-mail has been sent" Page ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ForgotEmailSent --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- STORE.SentPasswordEmail --]</p>

<p align="center">[--BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --]

### Reset Password Page (requires answer to Challenge question) ###
[-- DEFINE Get_Answer --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.GetAnswer --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p>[-- CR_Email_Name --]</p>

<p>[-- STORE.ResetPassword --]</p>

[-- CR_ChallengeQuestion --]

<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --]&nbsp;[-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Get_Answer --]

### Error Messages ###

### Error Message Screen ###
[-- DEFINE CR_Error --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ErrorMessages --]

[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]

<p align="center">[--BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>

[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE CR_Error --]

### E-Mail Messages ###

### E-Mail Message for Account Changes ###
[-- DEFINE Email_Account_Change --]
[-- IF CR_HTML_Email --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<style type="text/css">
table.ups_error {
td.ups_error {
vertical-align: middle;
[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] [-- STORE.Name --]
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --]

[-- ELSE --]

[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] [-- STORE.Name --]
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --]

[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Account_Change --]

### E-mail saying that address has changed ###
[-- DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<p><b>[-- STORE.Name --]</b></p>
<p>[-- STORE.EmailAddressChangedText --]</p>
<p>[-- Store.NewSignInAddress --]: [-- CR_EMAIL_ADDRESS --]</p>
<p>[-- Store.URL --] <a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- MyStoreURL --]</a></p>

[-- END_DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --]

### E-mail for Forgotten Password ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<p>[-- STORE.EmailClickLink --]</p>
<p><b>[-- STORE.Name --]</b></p>
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --]

### Email If Forgot Password by Address is Not A Registered Customer ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<p>[-- STORE.NotRegisteredEmail --]</p>

[-- IF Store.Name --]
<p><b><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Name --]</a></b></p>
[-- ELSE --]
<p><b><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- MyStoreURL --]</a></b></p>
[-- END_IF --]

[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --]

Luis Ramos
Luis Ramos

Re: Customer Registration Template SHRINE Modification

Postby jim » Tue May 03, 2005 8:56 pm


There is no functionality in the Customer registration that allows
saving of custom information with a shoppers information. The only
information kept is the address and payment information (if the shopper
requests that it be kept).

On the Checkout screen you can have custom fields to collect additional
information which will be passed along with the order. It will not be
kept with the customer information but it will be kept with the order
information. You could then extract that information either using an
order API or using the tab or xml order download and keep track of the
information outside of ShopSite. The shopper would need to select the
shrine each time they place an order. To setup the custom fields you go
to the Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout screen. The help for
the custom fields is found here: ... pping.html


Luis Ramos wrote:
Hello fellow Shopsite users,
Our business model, requires that Every Customer choses a SHRINE where we
would later send 10% of their generated sales as a Charity Donation.
I managed to modify the cr_default, so that I display a question as to the
Shrine, and then, the customer presses the ARROW key of a Box, that displays
ALL Shrines available, where we can select one.

It is NOT CLEAR to me, however, a way to SAVE this information, so that,
later on, a customer may change his/her SHRINE to a different one.

I would also like to Create a Report, every month, as to How Much Business
each SHRINE generates, in order to send them a check of 10% of the Sales.

At this point, I would like to know what further mods do I need to apply to
What follows is a copy of the modified version of cr_default and my
modification is clearly marked (My question is HOW DO I SAVE THIS INFO WHERE

Re: Customer Registration Template SHRINE Modification

Postby Luis Ramos » Tue May 03, 2005 11:27 pm

Thank you, Jim.
I was beginning to realize what you told me, at the time I received your
I proceeded to use the CHECKOUT custom field (field01), in order to
incorporate a "What is your Shrine?" select with the appropriate coding.
This is a nice solution for this problem!

Whoever, now, I need to implement the second part, which is to produce a
report that will ADD all orders for Shrine "-" and report them.

Do you have any pointers on how to produce this result? Thanks in advance
for your help!

Luis Ramos
"jim" <> wrote in message

There is no functionality in the Customer registration that allows
saving of custom information with a shoppers information. The only
information kept is the address and payment information (if the shopper
requests that it be kept).

On the Checkout screen you can have custom fields to collect additional
information which will be passed along with the order. It will not be
kept with the customer information but it will be kept with the order
information. You could then extract that information either using an
order API or using the tab or xml order download and keep track of the
information outside of ShopSite. The shopper would need to select the
shrine each time they place an order. To setup the custom fields you go
to the Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout screen. The help for
the custom fields is found here: ... pping.html


Luis Ramos wrote:
Hello fellow Shopsite users,
Our business model, requires that Every Customer choses a SHRINE where
would later send 10% of their generated sales as a Charity Donation.
I managed to modify the cr_default, so that I display a question as to
Shrine, and then, the customer presses the ARROW key of a Box, that
ALL Shrines available, where we can select one.

It is NOT CLEAR to me, however, a way to SAVE this information, so that,
later on, a customer may change his/her SHRINE to a different one.

I would also like to Create a Report, every month, as to How Much
each SHRINE generates, in order to send them a check of 10% of the

At this point, I would like to know what further mods do I need to apply
What follows is a copy of the modified version of cr_default and my
modification is clearly marked (My question is HOW DO I SAVE THIS INFO
Luis Ramos

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