frame problems

General ShopSite user discussion

frame problems

Postby David House » Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:48 pm


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems to
be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my final

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
<a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

....and seemingly later:

<!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs -->
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign=top>
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
<td align="center" valign="top">
[-- LINK --]
<!-- End Table of Product Thumbs -->

....but the final HTML looks like this:

<!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs -->
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign=top>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<a href=""><img
src="" width=77
height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0><b>
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a>


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML output,
right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work perfectly
otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!
David House

Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby David House » Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:56 pm

I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images in one
iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in another iframe
(mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements work until I click
the link that should show the full sized image. Make sense?

"David House" <> wrote in message

I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems
to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my
final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
src="" width=77
height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0><b
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML output,
right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work perfectly
otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!

David House

Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby jim » Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:02 am

So are the links "moreinfo page" links or links to other "store" pages?
The way you have it coded the link is to another "store" page not to a
"moreinfo" page as you have described. If you want this to happen from
a product to its "moreinfo" page you would need to change the code in
the product template being used.


David House wrote:
I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images in one
iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in another iframe
(mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements work until I click
the link that should show the full sized image. Make sense?

"David House" <> wrote in message


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems
to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my
final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
src="" width=77
height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0><b
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML output,
right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work perfectly
otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!


Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby David House » Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:30 am

Let me describe what I'm attempting. The site is laid out this way:
Home page --> Main Product Category

Main Product Category includes 2 iframes:
1. Thumbnail images of products that are scrollable across the bottom of
the page. If the user clicks one of the thumbnails...
2. The full-sized image opens in the frame in the top part of the page.
This second iframe is really an included page of product with 'Add to Cart',
'View Cart' links. (I'm hoping to have the shopping cart pop-up in a
separate window.)

I'm new to ShopSite (I'm a ColdFusion coder), so I'm not sure of the
differences you're describing very well. So, what other way of coding this
might I use?

"jim" <> wrote in message
So are the links "moreinfo page" links or links to other "store" pages?
The way you have it coded the link is to another "store" page not to a
"moreinfo" page as you have described. If you want this to happen from a
product to its "moreinfo" page you would need to change the code in the
product template being used.


David House wrote:
I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images in
one iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in another
iframe (mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements work until
I click the link that should show the full sized image. Make sense?

"David House" <> wrote in message


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems
to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my
final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
src="" width=77
height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML output,
right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work
perfectly otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!

David House

Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby David House » Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:55 pm

So, I've read that it looks like I need the thumbnails to link to moreinfo
pages in the second iframe....

"David House" <> wrote in message
Let me describe what I'm attempting. The site is laid out this way:
Home page --> Main Product Category

Main Product Category includes 2 iframes:
1. Thumbnail images of products that are scrollable across the bottom
of the page. If the user clicks one of the thumbnails...
2. The full-sized image opens in the frame in the top part of the page.
This second iframe is really an included page of product with 'Add to
Cart', 'View Cart' links. (I'm hoping to have the shopping cart pop-up in
a separate window.)

I'm new to ShopSite (I'm a ColdFusion coder), so I'm not sure of the
differences you're describing very well. So, what other way of coding this
might I use?

"jim" <> wrote in message
So are the links "moreinfo page" links or links to other "store" pages?
The way you have it coded the link is to another "store" page not to a
"moreinfo" page as you have described. If you want this to happen from
a product to its "moreinfo" page you would need to change the code in the
product template being used.


David House wrote:
I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images in
one iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in another
iframe (mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements work until
I click the link that should show the full sized image. Make sense?

"David House" <> wrote in message


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems
to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my
final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
width=77 height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML
output, right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work
perfectly otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!

David House

Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:14 pm

I'm not familar with iframes so don't know how to implement something in
them. But here is an example of what I think you want to do in a
regular page.

Go to This is the main page of my
store. The navigation tabs (bobbins, new items, woods etc) are links to
categories (pages) of items that I sell or to informational pages. The
tab links come from the page template [-- DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --]
section of the template.

Click on the Woods tab. This is a page showing thumbnails for a number
of different types of woods that the shopper could choose from. In this
case these are not saleable products but are implemented as products.
They would represent the thumbnails that you have on your first iframe.
If you click on one of the thumbnails you will be taken to a
moreinformation page. The link for these images is coming from the
product template and uses the file name from the product moreinfo
filename field. Clicking on one of your thumbnails should open your
second iframe with the moreinformation page of your products.

Below is the product template that I designed to display the product as
just an image and name both of which are links to the moreinfo page for
the product which contains a larger image and description. (in your
case you would want to put your add and view cart buttons).

<table border="0">

<td width="120" align="center"><a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL
--]">[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a></td></tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL
[-- PRODUCT.Name--]</a></td></tr>


<title>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</title>

<body background="[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImage--]" text="[--
MORE_INFO.TextColor --]">

[-- IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --]
[-- HEADER --]
[-- END_IF --]
<table width=400 border=0>
<tr><td align=center>
<h2>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</h2>
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --]
[-- if PRODUCT.FIELD1 --]
[-- CALL (OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH, product.field1) --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --]
[--IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter--]


You would need to modify the moreinfo links such as
<a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a>
above to open your second iframe. I don't know how you would do that
but it shouldn't be too difficult if you are use to creating such links
and may be something like:

<a target="mainframe" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[--
PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a>

where the "mainframe" would be your secondary frame.

Hope that helps.


David House wrote:
So, I've read that it looks like I need the thumbnails to link to moreinfo
pages in the second iframe....

"David House" <> wrote in message

Let me describe what I'm attempting. The site is laid out this way:
Home page --> Main Product Category

Main Product Category includes 2 iframes:
1. Thumbnail images of products that are scrollable across the bottom
of the page. If the user clicks one of the thumbnails...
2. The full-sized image opens in the frame in the top part of the page.
This second iframe is really an included page of product with 'Add to
Cart', 'View Cart' links. (I'm hoping to have the shopping cart pop-up in
a separate window.)

I'm new to ShopSite (I'm a ColdFusion coder), so I'm not sure of the
differences you're describing very well. So, what other way of coding this
might I use?

"jim" <> wrote in message

So are the links "moreinfo page" links or links to other "store" pages?
The way you have it coded the link is to another "store" page not to a
"moreinfo" page as you have described. If you want this to happen from
a product to its "moreinfo" page you would need to change the code in the
product template being used.


David House wrote:

I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images in
one iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in another
iframe (mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements work until
I click the link that should show the full sized image. Make sense?

"David House" <> wrote in message


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything seems
to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show up in my
final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
width=77 height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML
output, right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to work
perfectly otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!


Re: frame problems (addendum)

Postby David House » Sun May 01, 2005 5:58 pm

Jim Thanks!

I checked out your site. This explanation and info is very helpful and I
think you've helped put me on the right track now. I think my issues are
surrounding just not being clear with this application yet. Looks like
devling into how more info works will straighten things out for me.

I'll write again if I get further stuck.

Best, David

"Jim" <> wrote in message
I'm not familar with iframes so don't know how to implement something in
them. But here is an example of what I think you want to do in a regular

Go to This is the main page of my
store. The navigation tabs (bobbins, new items, woods etc) are links to
categories (pages) of items that I sell or to informational pages. The tab
links come from the page template [-- DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] section of
the template.

Click on the Woods tab. This is a page showing thumbnails for a number of
different types of woods that the shopper could choose from. In this case
these are not saleable products but are implemented as products. They
would represent the thumbnails that you have on your first iframe. If you
click on one of the thumbnails you will be taken to a moreinformation
page. The link for these images is coming from the product template and
uses the file name from the product moreinfo filename field. Clicking on
one of your thumbnails should open your second iframe with the
moreinformation page of your products.

Below is the product template that I designed to display the product as
just an image and name both of which are links to the moreinfo page for
the product which contains a larger image and description. (in your case
you would want to put your add and view cart buttons).

table border="0"

td width="120" align="center"><a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[--
PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a></td></tr
tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><a href="[--
PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]"
[-- PRODUCT.Name--]</a></td></tr


title>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</title

body background="[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImage--]" text="[--
MORE_INFO.TextColor --]"

[-- IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --]
[-- HEADER --]
[-- END_IF --]
table width=400 border=0
tr><td align=center
h2>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</h2
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --]
[-- if PRODUCT.FIELD1 --]
[-- CALL (OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH, product.field1) --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --]
[--IF MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter--]


You would need to modify the moreinfo links such as
a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a
above to open your second iframe. I don't know how you would do that but
it shouldn't be too difficult if you are use to creating such links and
may be something like:

a target="mainframe" href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[--
PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a

where the "mainframe" would be your secondary frame.

Hope that helps.


David House wrote:
So, I've read that it looks like I need the thumbnails to link to
moreinfo pages in the second iframe....

"David House" <> wrote in message

Let me describe what I'm attempting. The site is laid out this way:
Home page --> Main Product Category

Main Product Category includes 2 iframes:
1. Thumbnail images of products that are scrollable across the bottom
of the page. If the user clicks one of the thumbnails...
2. The full-sized image opens in the frame in the top part of the
page. This second iframe is really an included page of product with 'Add
to Cart', 'View Cart' links. (I'm hoping to have the shopping cart
pop-up in a separate window.)

I'm new to ShopSite (I'm a ColdFusion coder), so I'm not sure of the
differences you're describing very well. So, what other way of coding
this might I use?

"jim" <> wrote in message

So are the links "moreinfo page" links or links to other "store" pages?
The way you have it coded the link is to another "store" page not to a
"moreinfo" page as you have described. If you want this to happen from
a product to its "moreinfo" page you would need to change the code in
the product template being used.


David House wrote:

I should have mentioned that I'm trying to link from thumbnail images
in one iframe to larger images (with price and 'add to cart') in
another iframe (mainframe) on the same page. All other frame elements
work until I click the link that should show the full sized image. Make

"David House" <> wrote in message


I'm trying to get iframes to work properly on my site. Everything
seems to be fine except that I can't get the target attribute to show
up in my final HTML.

It's placed properly at the beginning of the template:

[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
a target="mainframe" href="[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/[--
Page.FileName --]"><img [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic REMOVE_HTML --]
[-- END_IF --]

...and seemingly later:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
[-- LOOP LINKS --]
td align="center" valign="top"
[-- LINK --]
!-- End Table of Product Thumbs --

...but the final HTML looks like this:

!-- Begin Table of Product Thumbs --
table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tr valign=top
td align="center" valign="top"
a href=""><img
width=77 height=75 alt="rr10_compan_thmb_silver.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3
rr-Companions (silver)</b></a


The attribute target="mainframe" should be showing up in the HTML
output, right?? What da heck am I missing here? The iframe seems to
work perfectly otherwise in the template.

Thanks for your help!

David House

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