More Info Pages Template?

General ShopSite user discussion

More Info Pages Template?

Postby Justin » Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:19 pm


Many thanks for the response on my previous posting. I have another
question. Is it possible to use a personal page template for the products'
"More Info Pages"? I'm using a personal template for my category pages and
I'd like to maintain continuity in the UI between these and the pages for
each individual product.



Re: More Info Pages Template?

Postby jim » Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:54 pm

The more info page template is defined in the product template, since
the moreinfo page deals with a products information. If you are using a
custom product template you can edit the moreinfo section of that
tempate to make changes you need. Look for the section [-- DEFINE
MORE_INFO_PAGE--]. You can also do some customization on the
Preferences > More info pages screen for link colors, including header
and/or footer etc.


Justin wrote:

Many thanks for the response on my previous posting. I have another
question. Is it possible to use a personal page template for the products'
"More Info Pages"? I'm using a personal template for my category pages and
I'd like to maintain continuity in the UI between these and the pages for
each individual product.




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